
Govt allocates GH¢1.5m to National Hydrological Fund for operations – Works, Housing Minister

 The government has allo­cated GH¢1.5 million to the National Hydrological Fund to support the operations of the Ghana Hydrological Authority (HYDRO).

HYDRO is the state institu­tion, responsible for the planning, design, execution, operation, and maintenance of flood control mechanisms, coastal engineering works, drainage improvement works, and operational and applied hydrology in the country.

The objective of the fund, in accordance with section 27 of the Hydrological Act, include publicity and promotion of the activities of the Authority, research, and investi­gations relating to the functions of the Authority.

It would also promote human resource development through acquisition of

Scientific, technical and profes­sional knowledge and skills through training, attachments and exchange programmes.

The Minister of Works and Housing, Kojo Oppong-Nkrumah announced the allocation at the 2024 Built Environment National Conference on Housing and Hy­drology, (BENCHH) held in Accra, yesterday.

He said it would also support the acquisition, renewal, modernisation and maintenance of equipment and acquisition of appropriate tech­nologies of the Authority to keep abreast with international standards and practices.

Mr Oppong-Nkrumah described the fund as a crucial initiative that would provide the necessary financial resources for flood man­agement and water infrastructure projects, and other initiatives to mitigate flood risks and improve water management throughout the country.

Speaking on the theme ‘En­hancing Collaboration to Tackle Ghana’s Housing and Hydrology Challenges,’ he underscored the government’s commitment to mobilise resources across society and the crucial role of collabora­tion in addressing Ghana’s housing and hydrology challenges.

On the housing front, he said housing supply did not meet de­mand, resulting in a national deficit of 1.8 million housing unit.

“The government’s affordable housing programmes have been fraught with inadequate funding, resulting in delays in the deliv­ery of public affordable housing schemes,” he said.

He stressed the need for concerted efforts to enhance public-private partnerships for affordable housing and proposed new incentives to facilitate this initiative.

Mr Oppong-Nkrumah acknowl­edged the impact of climate change on these sectors, particularly coast­al communities threatened by rising sea levels and tidal waves.

“Communities along Ghana’s coastline are threatened by tidal waves due to rising sea levels, lead­ing to the destruction of entire communities and loss of liveli­hoods and properties,” he said.

He called on stakeholders to contribute to support flood management and water infrastruc­ture projects crucial for mitigating risks.

“We recognise that sustainable development in all these areas cannot be achieved in isolation but requires a concerted and coordinat­ed approach across multiple sectors and stakeholders,” he said.

The minister also outlined plans to reform regulatory bodies within the built environment sector, aim­ing to strengthen compliance with standards and enhance operational effectiveness.

He urged participants to actively engage in discussions over the next three days, emphasising the importance of collective action to achieve sustainable development goals.


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