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60 students compete in Qur’anicmemorisation, recitation

MrGheraami(third left) presenting award to one of the winners. Looking on are Sheikh Yaajalal, extreme left and Mr Khorshidi (second left)

Mr Gheraami(third left) presenting award to one of the winners. Looking on are Sheikh Yaajalal, extreme left and Mr Khorshidi (second left)

At least 60 students on Saturday took part in a keenly contested Qur’an memorisation and recitation in Accra, intended to test their knowledge levels and retention of the Holy Book of Islam.

The contestants, both male and female, were made up of Ghana Muslim Students Association from University of Ghana, Islamic University College, Lakeside University and reciters from the Nima and Mamobi communities.

It was jointly organised by the Islamic Training Institute at Kanda, a suburb of Accra and the Cultural Consulate of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Present were the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Ghana, Bijane Gheraami, Consular Mahmoud Khorshidi and Sheikh Mustapha Yaajalal, the proprietor of the Institute and Principal Imam of Marzak Al Mihi Islamic Centre Mosque at Kanda 441.

The contestants were awarded marks based on their intonation, strength of memorisation, their knowledge on the laws of recitation and their voice in four categories: recitation and memorisation of full Qur’an, half of the Qur’an, quarter of the Quran, and ability to read the Quran.

The three top winners of the full memorisation of the Qur’an received award of GH¢1500, GH¢ 1200 and GH¢1000 respectively with Islamic books and materials.

The two top contestants who mastered half of the Quran received GH¢800 and GH¢600 respectively while reciters in the other categories took home GH¢500 and GH¢350 and some educational materials.

Mr Gheraami commended the contestants for their efforts and encouraged them to imbibe the reading and memorisation of the Holy Qur’an.

The Qur’an is the Holy Book of Islam revealed by God, through the Archangel Gabriel, to the Holy Prophet of Islam, Mohammed (Peace and Blessing Be Upon Him) in a period of 23 years and over 1400 years ago.

The revelation of the Quran which contains 114 chapters is believed to have begun in the month of Ramadan, so Muslim faithful usually organised a competition, especially during the month the Ramadan to deepen its reading and memorisingas a guidance to humankind.

By Salifu Abdul-Rahaman

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