
Cathedral Herbal and Fertility Clinic wins award

The Ghana Federation of Traditional Medicine Practi­tioners Association (GHAF­TRAM) has adjudged the Cathedral Herbal and Fertility Clinic the over­all best traditional medicine fertility clinic of the year 2022 at the just ended GHAFTRAM awards.

The awards scheme was intro­duced to recognise the contribution of traditional medicine practi­tioners to healthcare delivery in the country.

The ceremony was held in Accra over the weekend on the theme: ‘Traditional Medicine, Improving Our Health, Prospering Our Na­tion Beyond Aid.’

Commenting on the achieve­ment, Founder of the Cathedral Herbal and Fertility Clinic, Budum­buram near Kasoa in the Gomoa East District of the Central Region, Dr Philip Tetteh Nelson said it took hard work, dedication and selflessness to reach the milestone.

“This is a consequential moment I do not take for granted. We have put in a lot of efforts as a health facility to come this far and I am happy all our efforts have not been in vein. From putting smiles on the faces of our clients and then get­ting recognised by GHAFTRAM, all I can say is that I am grateful for this recognition,” he said.

Dr Tetteh assured that his outfit would continue to offer its best in efforts to help save lives and prove that traditional medicine is highly efficacious when used correctly and under the guidance of professional traditional medicine practitioners.

He also warned members of the public to be wary of quack tradi­tional medicine practitioners adding that some herbal medicines on the markets were fake and could cause serious health problems to individ­uals who used them.

“If you are taking herbal med­icines make sure you are getting them from the right sources. There are regulatory bodies that have endorsed safe traditional medicines and health facilities so everybody must look out for these approved ones for their own good. Tradi­tional medicine is very safe and effective,” he added.

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