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Exercise patience with President Mahama, appointees to fix  – Prof. Beyuoeconomy

• Professor Titus K. Beyuo being interviewed by Times reporter

• Professor Titus K. Beyuo being interviewed by Times reporter

The Member of Parliament representing the Lambussie Con­stituency in the Upper West Re­gion, Professor Titus K. Beyuo, has urged Ghanaians to exercise patience while President Mahama and his appointed officials en­deavour to address the economic challenges.

He emphasised that Ghana­ians supported President Maha­ma and the National Democratic Congress (NDC) due to their confidence in his experience, competence, trustworthiness, and ability to rejuvenate the nation.

Speaking to The Ghanaian Times in an exclusive interview in Accra on Thursday, Prof. Beyuo said President Mahama would turn around the fortunes of the bad economy bequeathed to the NDC.

According to Prof. Beyuo, the new NDC administration would need substantial resources, and the support of developing part­ners in order to succeed.

He told The Ghanaian Times that President Mahama’s appoin­tees were a mixture of men and women of integrity who would bring their expertise to bare for the benefit of Ghanaians.

Prof. Beyuo said he was certain President Mahama would leave behind a good legacy as the President would construct new first class roads, build new hospi­tals and schools, and improve on the existing infrastructure.

Professor Beyuo, the spokes­person for the NDC 2024 party manifesto on health, stated that every element included in the manifesto was meticulously costed, planned, and thoroughly considered.

“Ghanaians, will be willing, as we have had our second inde­pendence, in this massive victory, to pay their taxes. President Mahama is going to take off tax burdens, but the little ones that we are supposed to pay, people will be willing to pay, to volunteer information, so that we can also recover all the loot from all these resources. And he is planning to run a very lean government,” he explained.

Prof. Beyuo said that he was voted to Parliament by his con­stituents to influence the gov­ernment to fix bad roads, build a district hospital and provide good quality education in the constit­uency.

So far, Prof. Beyuo said he has started work on a community library which was started by the previous NDC administration but never put to use.

“I am appealing for more books, so anybody willing to donate books to Lambussie can call up to my office or reach out to me in Parliament. We will be more than happy to receive them. I have a lot of books in, but I need more books. I have some computers generously donated by IPMC. I have about 15 laptop computers with accessories for the IT unit of the library. What I am working on is to fortify the building, Prof. Beyuo said.

He said he intends to commis­sion the library by April 2025.

Prof. Beyuo said he had set up a GH¢25, 000 scholarship scheme to support needy stu­dents from his constituency.


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