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Global Evangelical Church commends government for advancing national prosperity

Rt Prosper Samuel Dzomeku

Rt Prosper Samuel Dzomeku

 The Global Evangelical Church has commended the government for its outstanding efforts and remarkable achievements in maintaining the peace in these difficult times.

Right Reverend Prosper Samuel Dzome­ku, Moderator of GEC said “we do not take for granted, the government’s ability to maintain the peace and tranquillity of the nation in an era of political upheavals and instability in some sister countries within the sub-region and beyond.”

Right Rev. Dzomeku was speaking at the opening of the 2023 Synod of the Church in Accra on the theme; ‘Be holy in all you do.’

He said the promotion and adherence to religious tolerance as well as peaceful co-existence in the nation was phenome­nal.

The moderator said moreover, Ghana’s efforts in promoting transparency, good governance, and accountability have set a shining example for other nations to follow.

“The commitment to combating cor­ruption and promoting ethical practices reflect the government’s determination to create a fair and just society for all,” he said.

He said the continued focus on environ­mental conservation and renewable energy initiatives also deserved special mention, as it showcased the nation’s commitment to safeguarding the planet for future gen­erations.

He said as Christians, “the bible en­joined us to among others to seek the peace and prosperity of our nation and to pray for the nation.”

Right Rev. Dzomeku said when the nation prospers, “we shall also prosper and we members of GEC are committed to this biblical mandate and as citizens of Ghana, it behoves us to live above re­proach and co-exist peacefully with other faiths.”

He said the leadership of the Church was upbeat to ensure that the teeming members were law-abiding and responsi­ble citizens.

He said as much as “we are determined to remain good citizens, some current events and trends in the country pose threats to our progress and development.”

The moderator urged the government to mobilise the likes of Mr Abraham Dwuma Odoom, a former Member of Parliament for Twifo Atti Morkwa, who was reported to have supported Nigeria and Liberia to move from rice-importing nations to exporters of this commodity with the necessary resources to turn the country’s agricultural fortunes around for the better.

“We urged the government to be pru­dent in the use of the funds being received in order to ensure national economic re­covery, development and sustainability,” he added.

He said GEC appre­ciated the efforts of the government to expand, increase and improve upon health facilities in the country but encour­aged the government to continue to channel more resources into the health sector of the country to enhance access to health facilities and care by all people as being done through the Government’s Agenda 111.

He said as a Church, it would continue to play its part by focusing on the family as the basic unit of society and in­tensify moral training in the congregation and individual homes.

Right Rev. Dzomeku encouraged the government and all stakeholders to con­tinue to fight the menace of “galamsey” in Ghana, adding “we must save and restore our environment and water bodies for ourselves and posterity.”

He said as the nation gathered momen­tum toward its general elections next year, it was crucial for all stakeholders including the government, the Electoral Commis­sion, the various political parties, the National Peace Council, the media, reli­gious organisations, security agencies, civil societies, and all well-meaning Ghanaians to exercise the highest form of restraint to ensure absolute peace before, during and after the elections.

He said the effects of wars on other nations and their ripple effects on other states were not pleasant to recall.

“Let us all be guided by the simple truth that we have only one Ghana. We are one people with a common destiny. There is no place like home. We owe it a duty to hand over a better nation to the genera­tions after us,” he added.

The moderator entreated the various re­ligious bodies to join the GEC to continue to bear the nation up in prayer for divine direction and progress.

At this year’s Synod, six workshop groups will discuss aspects of holiness in relation to marriage and family life, en­gaging in Church elections like a political activity and the motivation and practice of giving as Christians.

Others include raising leaders for the next generation, Church planting and growth as our core mandate, as well as fund mobilisation for execution of proj­ects in the Church and by extension the society at large.

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