
Govt committed to implementing effective policies for education sector – Dep Education Minister

The Deputy Minis­ter of Education, Rev. John Ntim Fordjour, has said that the govern­ment is committed to implementing effective policies and providing good infrastructure to improve the country’s educa­tional system towards national development.

He said despite the gains made, the authorities were poised to tackle challenges of infrastructure, funding constraints and irregular curricula that affected the educational systems.

These were contained in a speech read on his behalf at the weekend, at the 12th congregational ceremony of Jayee University College on the theme, ‘Pursing Educational Excellence in the face of systematic challenges,’ at McCarthy Hill in Accra.

In all, 223 graduating students successfully completed their diploma and degree courses of study.

The deputy minister said, the government would continue to put together transformational policies that would contribute positively to the growth of private universities, as they were complementing enormously towards the country’s educating system.

In his welcome address, Professor Samuel Amoako, President of the college, said the most daunting challenge, which posed a threat to the very existence the university emanated from the Education Regulatory Bodies Act of 2020, 2023, which requires that all universities colleges currently under affiliation, to expedite action toward active Presidential Charter.

He said management would work assiduously to meet the requirement set by GTEC for the achievement of the Presidential Charter, even in the face of the numerous colleges.

Professor Amoako said, another challenge the college was facing was student enrolment which had been affected due to the delayed re-accreditation of the college coupled with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

He urged the graduants to face the world with confidence, positive determination and enthusian and enter the world with initiative and entrepreneurship.

He asked the student not to solely depend on the government for a job, but to be on their own and set up partnerships and working together with friends in business.

In a speech read on his behalf, Professr Stephen Jobson Mitchual, the Vice Chancellor of University of Education, Winneba (UEW), lauded the flagship programme of Business Administration and Communication Science of the university.

He said UEW was proud of the success of the affiliation and urged the college to count on the support of UEW at all times so long as they remain in good standing.


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