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Local authorities need adequate financial support – Majority Leader

• Mr Mahama Ayariga

• Mr Mahama Ayariga

 The Majority Leader in Parlia­ment, Mahama Ayariga, has called for the provi­sion of adequate financial and technical support for assembly and unit committee members, to enhance governance and accelerate development at the grassroots level.

According to him, unit com­mittee leaders in particular, play a crucial role in gathering data and disseminating information within their constituencies, making it imperative for them to be well-re­sourced.

Mr Ayariga made the call on the floor of Parliament, in Accra, yesterday during a discussion on strengthening of the country’s local governance system.

The Majority leader stressed the need for better resourcing of assembly and unit committee members.

Meanwhile, there is growing concerns about the ability of the assembly and committee to func­tion effectively due to financial constraints.

Mr Ayariga said that develop­ment efforts should be devoid of political propaganda, urging all stakeholders to prioritise action over rhetoric.

Joining the debate, the Member of Parliament (MP) for Saw­la-Tuna-Kalba in the Savannah Region, Andrew Dari Chiwitey, advocated that portion of the MPs’ Common Fund be allocated to assembly members to support their work.

He noted that assembly and unit committee members of­ten use their own resources to campaign and serve their commu­nities, yet they receive no formal allowances.

Mr Chiwitey argued that with­out proper funding, these local representatives would struggle to fulfill their responsibilities effectively.

“Their role should not be underrated. Unit committee mem­bers serve as teachers in some rural communities and play other essential roles.

“If they are empowered techni­cally and financially, they will per­form even better for the people who elected them,” he said.

Mr Chiwitey further lamented that the plight of unit committee members was even worse than that of assembly members, stress­ing that the situation needs urgent attention.

He was of the view that em­powering local representatives was crucial for effective governance and development, particularly in underserved communities.

Deputy Minority Leader and MP for Asokwa, Patricia Ap­piagyei, acknowledged the prob­lems of assembly and unit com­mittee members, but pointed out that addressing the issue required careful financial planning.

Instead of direct payments to unit committee members, she suggested the establishment of a development committee that would include MPs and other stakeholders to strategically plan and implement projects in each constituency.

“Rather than spending more money on monthly or periodic payments, we should focus on a structured approach to develop­ment that ensures long-term ben­efits,” Mrs Appiagyei proposed.

She reiterated the need for more sustainable ways of support­ing grassroots leadership with­out overburdening the national budget.


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