
National Theatre thrills patrons with ‘Efu Pɔnkɔ’

Theatre enthusi­asts who flocked to the National The­atre of Ghana were treated to a total theatre production “EFU PƆNKƆ”. It is a folk story based on the music composed by the late Bob Cole entitled, “Ɛdwen ɖɛɛ ɛre yɛ me”. This production used the folk story as a metaphor in total theatre to highlight chal­lenges facing the country, including illegal mining popularly known as “Galamsey” which has been iden­tified as the major source of water pollution.

It also looked at Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and its compli­cations, the act is mostly carried out on young girls and adoles­cents. Open defecation, improper disposal of waste and sand winning which are major threats to the environment, to name a few issues were also tackled.

The production used a blend of percussive dance styles and drama­tised sketches and narrations incor­porated with various melodies.

It was produced and presented by the National Theatre of Ghana and its resident groups – National Dance Company, National Drama Company, and National Symphony Orchestra, and in collaboration with the Ghana Concert Party and Akambo, a spoken word artist.

The production is part of the National Theatre’s efforts to fulfil its mandate, which is to develop and promote the performing arts in Ghana. Over the last eight years, the three resident groups come to­gether annually to produce a piece that is steeped in the Abibigro con­cept, with the goal of presenting a high artistic performance, which focuses on projecting our positive cultural values. Efu ponkor fulfills this artistic goal.


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