
New Vision Movement urges youth to work towards better future

 The founder of the New Vision Move­ment, Kofi Koran­teng has urged the youth of Ghana to take charge and work towards a better future for the country by voting for another political party that will prioritise the welfare of its citizens.

“The youth must rise up and take charge, and now is the time. Regardless of your political affilia­tions, all Ghanaians should consid­er the benefits of my message and join me in rebuilding our nation,” he said.

Speaking at the inauguration cer­emony of the New Vision Move­ment in Accra over the weekend, Mr Koranteng further criticised the current government, accusing it of corruption and self-serving behavior.

“The leadership of this country has rejected its people because it is self-serving. The current govern­ment is corrupt and dishonest,” he stated.

He lamented the poor conditions of government workers, pointing out the lack of jobs, adequate sal­aries, accommodation, and service conditions despite the country’s abundant resources.

Adding, that “no citizen should face economic hardship, especially when basic amenities like toilet facilities are still lacking in some communities.”

His commitment to Ghana, he said includes changing the Consti­tution, eradicating corruption, and instituting a national development plan.

He argued that the existing con­stitution lacks a clear and accessible pathway for amendments, a situa­tion he believes no other presiden­tial aspirant is prepared to address for the people’s benefit.

Mr Koranteng, who is also the founder and leader of the party criticised the excessive powers granted to governments under the current Constitution, which he argued has been exploited by the Akufo-Addo government.

“Once a politician starts speak­ing against corruption, they must begin the revolution within their circle and themselves to set an example, but this is not the case of political leadership we have today. They condone it in private and come out to speak against it in public,” he bemoaned.

He proposed a national devel­opment plan entrenched in the Constitution, making it unchange­able until all its goals are achieved and condemned the government’s expenditure on luxury and overseas medical care, attributing it to the inadequate healthcare system with­in the country.

“The national development plan will be enshrined in the Constitu­tion and cannot be changed until all its plans are completed,” he in­sisted, stressing the need for proper utilisation of taxes and agricul­tural development, advo­cating for better storage facilities to prevent waste of homegrown goods for economic benefits.

Chairman of the Osagyefo Youth Movement criticised the current practice of exporting natural resources to foreign countries in exchange for minimal returns by the coun­try, noting the negative impact this has on the Ghanaian people.

He urged all citizens to rally behind Mr Koranteng and support his vision for leading the country.

“His thoughts for the country and its people are positive and must be supported. It’s time to set aside the two leading political parties for the New Vision Move­ment,” he declared.


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