Burial will take place tomorrow at the Mantse Ankrah Royal Mausoleum, near the Azumah Nelson Sports Complex , Kaneshie in Accra of the late Daniel Saka Acquaye, Deputy Director, Technical, of the National Sports Authority (NSA).
Saka Acquaye, popularly known as ‘Fishey’ passed away inJune at the 37 Military Hospital after battling a prolong ailment.
According to family sources, Fishey will be laid in state at the Mantse Ankrah Royal Palace at North Kaneshie near Dan’s Bar today.
Burial service will held tomorrow at the Palace to be followed by interment at the Royal Mausoleum and will be attended by the Director General of the NSA, officials from the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the handball and swimming fraternity and other high profile personalities in Ghana’s sports industry.
Thanks giving service will be held on Sunday at the St. Mary The Virgin Anglican Church at 8am and be followed by final funeral rites at the Royal Palace.
Prior to his demise, Mr Acquaye played a lead role in Ghana sports for over two decades spanning the period 2000 to 2020.
The late Saka Acquaye was a former national swimming champion and a handball player, coach and a long serving Secretary of the Handball Association of Ghana (HAG).
He was also noted for developing other sporting disciplines, including soccer, basketball, volleyball, athletics and handball.
Mr Acquaye played a key role in the reintroduction of the National Cross-Country at Mpohor as well as the implementation of many sports initiatives that saw improvement in the sports fraternity especially the least financed sports.
He was survived by three children and a wife.