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Too much underage sexual activities in Ashanti Region – GSS

• Dr Faustina Frimpong Ainguah (third from right) and other development partners launching the report Photo: Seth Osabukle

• Dr Faustina Frimpong Ainguah (third from right) and other development partners launching the report Photo: Seth Osabukle

Underage sexual activities among adoles­cents across the country is most prevalent in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, a latest report by the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) has revealed.

According to the study, the trend was high among females below 16 years with nine districts in the region showing high incidence of such acts.

Led by the Akrofuom district with a staggering 42.0 per cent, the other districts include Amansie South, Amansie Central, Aman­sie West, Adansi Asokwa, Adansi South, Asante Akim South Munic­ipality, Bosome Freho, and Ahafo Ano South East.

The report, which utilised small area estimation to generate data of district-level indicators on pop­ulation health and well-being, is to support the design and imple­mentation of targeted policies and interventions to address challenges at the sub-national level.

Presenting highlights of the “Ad­olescent Risky Sexual Behaviour” report at a news conference in Accra, the Director of Methods and Standards Directorates, GSS, Dr Peter Takyi Peprah, said among males, underage sexual activities were highest in the Eastern region with the Upper Manya Krobo district recording the highest rate (35.7 per cent).

He said situation held dire health, social and economic impli­cations for nation if urgent steps were not taken to reverse the trend as it not only bothered on under­age sex but most adolescents were also engaged in multiple sexual partnerships.

Dr Peprah pointed out the Bono and Western North Regions as notable districts in the top 10 of adolescent girls with more than one sexual partner.

“About one in three girls 15-19 years had multiple sexual partners in the previous 12 months, with highest rates in Dormaa East (38.7 per cent), Dormaa Central Mu­nicipal (37.7 per cent), and Bibiani Anhwiaso Bekwai (37.5 per cent) districts.

All districts except one in the top 10 that recorded the highest rate of multiple sexual partnership among adolescent boys were in the Oti Region, led by Guan with 36.3 per cent, Nkwanta South Municipal (35.4 per cent) and Krachi Nchum­uru (35.0 per cent),” he explained.

Reacting to findings of the report which was launched with another on the “Utilisation of Maternal Health Services” at the sub-national level, a Gynaecologist with the Ghana Health Service, Dr Athanasius Ayetey Larbi, said the report was timely to help authori­ties make interventions to address the challenges faced by adolescent girls and boys’ sexual behaviours.

“While progress has been made nationally, the persistent intra­regional disparities as presented in these reports require intensified fo­cus in the districts to bridge these gaps and ensure more equitable distribution of resources to tackle these problems.”

Government Statistician, Prof. Samuel Kobina Annim, indicated that the statistics would inform policy decisions, facilitate targeted interventions, and ensure equitable coverage across all 261 districts of the country.

He reaffirmed the commitment of the Ghana Statistical Service to producing statistics for design, review and revision of policies as well as baseline data for policies yet to be implemented.


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