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Uganda protest organisers playing with fire – president

• Uganda's President, Yoweri Museveni, has been in power since 1986

Uganda’s President, Yow­eri Museveni, has warned protesters that they will be “playing with fire” if they press ahead with plans to stage an anti-corruption march to parliament on Tuesday.

Young Ugandans have been or­ganising the march on social media to demand an end to corruption in government.

They have been partly inspired by their counterparts in neighbouring Kenya, who organised mass demon­strations that forced President Wil­liam Ruto to drop plans to increase taxes. The protests have since mor­phed into calls for his resignation.

In a televised address, Mr Musev­eni warned the Ugandan organisers that their planned protest would not be tolerated.

“We are busy producing wealth… and you here want to disturb us. You are playing with fire because we cannot allow you to dis­turb us,” he said.

Mr Museveni is accused by his critics of ruling Uganda with an iron hand since taking power in 1986, but his sup­porters praise him for maintaining stability in the East African state.

The president also accused some of the protest organisers of “always working with foreigners” to cause chaos in Uganda. He did not elabo­rate.

Police had earlier announced that they had refused to give permission for the march to take place.

One of the main protest leaders told AFP news agency that they would go ahead with it.

“We don’t need police permission to carry out a peaceful demonstra­tion. It is our constitutional right,” Louez Aloikin Opolose was quoted as saying.

The UK and US governments imposed sanctions on Uganda’s parliamentary speaker, Anita Annet Among, earlier this year after she was accused of corruption.

She has denied any wrongdoing.

The sanctions bar her from travel­ling to the UK and the US. The UK also said that it would impose an asset freeze on her.

The UK has enforced similar sanc­tions on two government ministers who were sacked by Mr Museveni after they too were accused of cor­ruption. —BBC

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