
Call Rev. Owusu Bempah to order! …National Chief Imam appeals to IGP, Christian leaders

The Office of the National Chief Imam has ap­pealed to Christian leaders and the Inspector General of Police to call Reverend Isaac Owusu Bempah of the Glorious Word Power Ministries Interna­tional to order in the interest of national unity and peace.

“We further appeal to the lead­ers of the Christian fraternity in Ghana, the Inspector-General of Police (IGP), the National Securi­ty apparatus, and any relevant in­stitution to call Rev. Isaac Owusu Bempah to order in the interest of national unity, peace, and harmo­ny,” said a statement issued by Dr Mohammed Marzuq Abubakari Azindoo, Personal Assistant to the National Chief Imam.

The office made this call over allegations of fake prophesy made by Rev. Bempah about Sheikh (Dr) Osman Nuhu Sharubutu, the National Chief Imam.

Rev. Bempah allegedly stated that the National Chief Imam and other leaders consulted him about their destinies.

Rev. Bempah allegedly told his congregants few days ago that they were unaware of what transpired between him and the Chief Imam when he (Bempah) paid the Chief Imam a visit in his Fadama residence two years ago.

He asked “Do you know what went on between the Chief Imam and I [sic]?”

“When I was in his bedroom, do you know what went on?”

These remarks by the man of God outraged the Office of the National Chief Imam who cautioned Rev. Bempah against taking the courtesy extended to him and the meekness of the Chief Imam as a weakness.

Dr Azindo stated that those claims of Rev. Isaac Owusu Be­mpah contained no iota of truth, but represent the figment of his own imagination.

Ideally, the photograph only shows how His Eminence tol­erated and extended a hand of reconciliation to a provocateur.”

“We, therefore, do not expect the photograph to be used as an instru­ment of further provocation against a personality of global repute.”

“We, further observe, with dis­may, the photograph that accompa­nies the irresponsible publications to give Rev. Owusu Bempah’s fiction a semblance of veracity. It is significant to mention that this pho­tograph was taken when Rev. Isaac Owusu Bempah came to apologise to His Eminence for the false prophecy that threatened national security about two years ago.”

Dr Azindoo asked Rev. Bempah to desist from dragging the name and office of Sheikh (Dr) Osman Nuhu Sharubutu, the National Chief Imam in his prophesies.

“We call on Rev. Isaac Owusu Bempah to refrain from using the name of His Eminence as a sub­ject of controversial prophecies.

“Undoubtedly, His Eminence is a champion of interfaith harmony and peaceful co-existence. But he does not seek protection and prosperity from charlatans on the pulpit. As a true icon of faith, His Eminence is guided by the divine words that Allah is sufficient for any person who relies on Him…” (Quran 65: 3), said the statement.

Dr Azindo said the Office of the National Chief Imam stood for interfaith solidarity and national unity at all times “As we contribute our quota to the building of a prosperous democratic state of diverse religious communities.”

The Personal Assistant to the Chief Imam urged the media and editors to observe the highest ethical journalistic standards and stop rein­forcing remarks that could threaten national security, peace and interfaith harmony.

“We take this opportunity to advise editors of media houses to refrain from irresponsible journalism. Cer­tainly, yellow journalism is no longer a choice in all civilised societies. Pre­cision journalism, development jour­nalism, and transformative journalism are now the preferred models.

In a world polarised by ideological radicalism and religious extremism, these models had become contribu­tors to the global efforts at finding solutions to the ills of contemporary society,” he said.


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