Diary of secondary and tertiary cycle educational institutions established by Ahmadiyat in Ghana
In this article, the secondary and tertiary cycle educational institutions established by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission, since inception in Ghana, in 1921 are considered.
The Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam is more than a sect and a missionary organisation for the fact that the Founder Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, born in India in 1835, claimed on the basis of divine revelation to be the expected Messiah of the Christians as well as The Mahdi (Guided One)of the Muslims. He began to accept initiation into the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in 1889. This initiation called Bai’at, means swearing the oath of allegiance to an authority, be he spiritual or temporal. In 1908, he passed away and was succeeded by Maulana Nurudeen as the first successor (Khalifatul Masih I). On the death of the latter in 1914, he in turn was also succeeded by Hadrat Mirza Bashirudeen Mahmud Ahmed (Khali-fatul Masih II). In 1965, he also passed away and was succeeded by Hadrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad (Khalifatul Massih III). In 1982, he passed away and was succeeded by Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (Khalifatul Masih IV). When the latter passed away in 2003 he was succeeded by Hadrat Masroor Ahmad (Khalifatul Masih V), who is the current world-wide head. Through the indefatigable efforts, supported by the obedience and sacrifice of followers, the Movement has spread to all the four corners of the world. In Ghana the first missionary, Abdul Rahim Nayyarr, an Indian, landed on our shores in 1921 and began his missionary activities.
Not only in the winning of souls for Islam does the Movement pay attention, but equally devoted to the establishment of educational institutions to improve the quality of the temporal and spiritual life.
The following is a diary of the secondary and tertiary educational institutions it has established since 1921;
1. T.I. Ahmadiyya Girls’ Senior High School in Asokore, Ashanti. It is public and category B.
2. T.I. Ahmadiyya Senior High School School in the Ekunfi in the Central Region. It is mixed and public and category B.
3. T.I. Ahmadiyya Senior High School, Fomena in Ashanti. It is mixed, public and category B.
4. T.I. Ahmadiyya Senior High, School, Kumasi in Ashanti, mixed, public and category A.
5. T.I. Ahmadiyya Senior High School, position in the Central, mixed, public and category C.
6. T.I. Ahmadiyya Senior High School, Wa in the Upper West, mixed, public and category A.
7. T.I. Ahmadiyya Senior High School, Salaga in the Savannah, mixed, public, category C.
8. Tawheed Senior High School, Akwatialine in Kumasi, Ashanti, public, mixed and category B.
1. Jamia Ahmadiyya International Ghana at Mankessim in the Central Region. It is an Ahmadi International University. The word Jamia is Arabic and means a university.
2. Nusrat Jahan Ahmadiyya College of Education in the Upper West.
3. Jamiatul Mubasshireen, Ajumako in the Central Region. It is an institution for the training of missionaries.
It may be remarked in passing that T.I Ahmadiyya Senior High School, Kumasi was the first Islamic Secondary School to be established in the country in 1950. For good twenty five years it continued to enjoy that monopoly till the Islamic Senior High School, was also established in Kumasi (Ampabame) by the Ghana Muslim Mission in 1975 with Saudi funds.
Being a small but growing Muslim Community, the ratio of the number of schools established to the population of members is very high.
The movement has seven well-established Senior High Schools and three well-established tertiary institutions of higher learning.