
We’ve not made decision on Akosombo Dam spillage yet …VRA allays fears of residents

The Deputy Chief Exec­utive Officer in charge of Services of the Volta River Authority (VRA), Mr Kenneth Arthur, has stated that no decision has been made on a potential pre­cautionary spillage of the Akosom­bo Dam.

He clarified that the current ele­vation of the Akosombo reservoir was lower than it was last year, urg­ing residents in the affected areas not to panic.

Mr Arthur explained that a precautionary spill discharge would involve 50,000 cubic feet per second (CFS), which would be contained within the river channels, minimising its impact on buildings developed within these channels.

He made these remarks during a meeting between VRA manage­ment officials and the Eastern Re­gional Coordinating Council (RCC) in Koforidua, yesterday.

The regular stakeholder engage­ment was part of VRA’s efforts to brief and update the RCC on hydropower operations, particularly concerning precautionary spillages, forecasts, and emergency prepared­ness.

The meeting aimed to enhance public awareness and understand­ing of emergency protocols.

Mr Arthur noted that due to the fallout from last year’s precaution­ary spillage, there have been fears and speculations about a possible spillage, but he assured that no decision has been made yet and emphasised that the engineering department was evaluating the wa­ter levels against the dam’s holding capacity.

He stressed the importance of proactive stakeholder engagement, highlighting that VRA has visited six potentially affected districts in the Volta Region, two in the Great­er Accra Region, and was now focusing on the Eastern Region, particularly the Lower Manya and Asuogyaman Districts, which were prone to floods and added that VRA plans to consider all ten dis­tricts within the lower Volta area.

He said the engagement sought feedback from the Eastern RCC to enable better strategies and contingency plans for the VRA’s hydropower operations.

Mr Arthur assured that VRA would continue working closely with the National Disaster Manage­ment Organisation (NADMO).

He, however, expressed con­cern over new developments in river channels, urging municipal and district assemblies to prevent construction in these areas to avoid property damage from flooding and called for stricter enforcement to protect waterway integrity.

An Engineer with the Water Resources and Renewable Energy Department in Akuse, Eastern Re­gion, Akosua Owusu-Efaa affirmed that a spill discharge of 50,000 CFS would remain within river channels.

She noted that flooding typically occurs in low-lying areas and river channels where development has taken place, adding particularly vulnerable areas include the Keta Lagoon protected area, Havui, Azizanya, and Genui, which experi­enced recurring flooding from high tides and heavy rains.

Owusu-Efaa emphasised that communities vulnerable to flood­ing, such as those near the Keta Lagoon and riverbanks, would receive advance notice before any potential spill as part of proactive communication strategy to mitigate the impact on these communities.

The Eastern Regional Minister, Mr Seth Kwame Acheampong, thanked VRA for engaging with the Eastern RCC and expressed confidence that VRA would ensure effective implementation of the discussed measures.

He hoped that the flooding experienced last year, due to precautionary spillage would not be repeated, reflecting on VRA’s commitment to preventing such incidents in the future


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