
 At media encounter:  I’ll use 24-hour economy to reset Ghana on path of progress, devt in 4 years – Ex-President Mahama

Former President John Dramani Ma­hama says four years is enough for him to reset Ghana on the path of prog­ress and development through the 24-hour economy policy and seriously fight against corruption and graft.

“Four years is enough for me to reset Ghana, create a 24-hour economy, wage a serious fight against corruption and restore our nation back to the path of development and progress.”

President Mahama said this during an engagement with the media in Accra on Sunday.

Mr Mahama who is the flag bearer of the National Democrat­ic Congress (NDC) in the 2024 general election said the 24-hour economy was a well-thought through and data driven policy with the potential to create decent and well paying jobs to the teem­ing unemployed youth in Ghana.

The former President who answered a plethora of questions from journalists on topics in­cluding the economy, educa­tion, corruption, justice delivery, and security said the next NDC administration would incentivise companies to employ people and increase productivity of many items imported into the country.

“The 24-hour economy policy will increase the local production of goods for import-substitu­tion, exports and create decent well-paying jobs for the youth.”

In responds to a question of demand regarding the 24 hour economy, President Mahama said there was demand for the more than $3 billion food items and other products Ghana import from other countries.

In addition to providing tax cuts and cheaper electricity to companies that subscribe to the programme, President Mahama said that the NDC under his lead­ership as President would beef up security to ensure the safety of those who work at night shifts.

Besides, the former President said the next NDC government would provide an efficient trans­port network and revive the rapid bus transport system to commute workers to and from work.

President Mahama commend­ed the judiciary for rolling out a 24-hour court system, adding that when the policy was in full swing, there would be demand for more Custom officers, bankers, police personnel and many other sectors of the economy.

He said the NDC government would invest $3 billion in ICT to create 300,000 jobs for skilled opportunities for the youth in the digital space.

“My government will invest $3 billion in ICT and partner with local tech start-ups and businesses to launch a ‘Digital Jobs initiative’ that will create at least 300,000 skilled employment opportunities for the youth in the digital space.”

The former President said he would establish a National Wom­en’s Development Bank that will be run by women to support one million women-led and wom­en-owned businesses.

“I will roll out the One Million Coders Programme that will train one million youth in coding and other IT programmes for job creation.”

On the fight against corruption, President said his track record on his fight against corruption was unmatched.

“My track-record in the fight against corruption is there for all to see. I prosecuted my own ap­pointees, including my own friend and retrieved about GH¢50 mil­lion for the state in the GYEEDA scandal.”

He reassured Ghanaians to run a lean government and cut down on expenditure and waste.

“I will run a lean government of not more than 60 ministers and cut down on government expenditure and waste.”

As a farmer, President Mahama said he would modernise agricul­ture to boost food production in order to reduce food inflation and hardships.

He said that he would prioritise agribusiness and agro-process­ing for import substitution and exports.


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