Executive shouldn’t determine Article 71 holders enumeration – Kwaku Kwarteng
The Chairman of the Finance Committee of Parliament, Kwaku Kwarteng, has proposed that leadership should delegate authority to Fair Wages and Salaries Commission to determine the enumeration of Article 71 holders instead of leaving it to the Executive.
He explained that apart from setting a good example, it would discourage the public‘s perception of the Legislature’s supposed ‘scratch my back, I scratch your back affair’ with the Executive arm of government.
“I think Article 71 of its holders’ remuneration, for instance, the current arrangement where the executive determines that of the legislature, there is nothing wrong with creating a body under the Fair Wages and Salary Act and let them determine the wages of leadership.
“After the consideration, the fair wages committee can proceed to workers who are under the government‘s payroll to slash the income of “those who go to work and do nothing, and the political class must put our acts together about the issues because there has been discussions about Article 71 officeholders over enumeration,” Mr Kwarteng asserted.
He was hopeful that political consensus would accept the proposal in reality which was not too much because the political class were not many, but good to do that in order to signal to the citizenry the leadership had started and begin to look at people on the government payroll who go to work and do little.
According to Mr Kwarteng, the political class could consider sacrificing in the face of hardships to cut down expenditure which must commence from leadership of the country to serve as a signal to citizens political leaders had started and then begin to look at people for instance on government payroll.
“Not only should we look at other revenue measures that will, in my opinion, bring stability to the fiscal, we should also look at expenditures and looking at expenditures, charity should begin at home,” he said. –myjoyonline.com