Getting your perspective
There is creative process that the universe is unfolding through us that far exceeds our understanding. By learning to grasp the opportunities that are before us each day and handling them to the best of our ability, we are contributing and cooperating with the creative process. All that is required is that we do the best we can each day. It is not a matter of how much we do, but how well we perform each action. In other words, it is the quality of our actions that really matter.
The attainment of goals, as important as they are, must not be permitted to overshadow or obscure their real objective: to give our life purpose and direction. That is why we must be careful not to let them lock us into the future and keep us from living in the NOW.
After you have chosen your goals and set up a programme of action, you must learn to relax and allow your new Awareness to carry you forward, patiently doing what is necessary, first things first, with no fear or concern about what is going to happen in the future. As the spiritually oriented say, “Let go and let God.” By so doing, you will be aligning yourself with reality and keeping yourself open to the Inner Guidance from within which will show you each step of the way.
Inner Guidance is always available. Seek it out and use it. If you do not, your Awareness may not yet have the wisdom to chart a course which is in full alignment with the Creative Plan for your life and you will continue to be disenchanted and disappointed when things do not work out.
When you make plans and set goals, ask for the wisdom to carry them out. Present the ideas you have consciously thought out and ask your Superconscious mind to guide you in selecting the right one. You will soon get a feeling about what you should do. Trust your intuition. Remember – intuition cannot be wrong because it comes from Higher Intelligence. Once you receive intuition – ACT AT ONCE. Also leave yourself open for changes and new instruction along the way. The first move, however, must be yours. You will not be guided unless you demonstrate you want guidance.
Go forward a step at a time and remain flexible to change. You may not reach your original goal but, instead, may be guided to something better. In either case, you will experience a feeling of excitement and personal fulfillment. Instead of pushing yourself into a situation that will only cause you frustration and misery, your intuition will guide you to your right person, place or circumstance where you can be supremely happy.
Life can be compared to a train ride. If we want to go somewhere all we have to do is to get on the train and stay there until we arrive at our destination. The train may stop or change tracks but, if we stay with it, we will eventually reach our destination.
You are where you want to be
Like it or not, at this moment you are exactly where you want to be. Perhaps you are unhappy. You may have a job you hate, a marriage that is deteriorating, a love relationship that seems to be going downhill, or a family relationship that is unsatisfactory. Your future may look doubtful but you and you alone, have chosen, consciously or unconsciously, to allow yourself to be right where you are. The evidence indicates that you would rather be in your present situation than pay the price to change.
Your spontaneous rebuttal may include such excuses as, “You don’t understand.” “My situation is different.” I am trapped where I am.” “I want to straighten my life out, but I can’t because….” You may be quite sincere in these contentions, but the fact remains, you have permitted your present environment to limit your thinking. By choosing to let a person, circumstance or condition dictate your happiness, you have given something OUTSIDE yourself the power to control your life. In effect, you have declared that your situation is greater than the power within you to change it. Your subconscious has brought the negative affirmation you have developed and, as a result, is obediently delivering exactly what you asked for.
Respond to life with bold actions
Psychologist William James once said: “What holds attention determines action.” A weak, timid, indecisive approach to life breeds inertia, failure and disappointment. Many people fail to act because they are afraid to make a mistake or think that what they conceive can never become reality.
Remember this psychological truth: FORTUNE FAVOURS THE BOLD. You must conceive in your mind the world you want to live in, the situations you want to master, and the greatness you want to achieve. The ideas and concepts of releasing your unlimited potential can only be turned into reality if you take bold action now. Wishful thinking will not make your dreams come true. “He who hesitates is lost.”
If you want to be free and build total self-confidence, your thinking must control your limitations instead of your limitations controlling your thinking. Once you make up your mind to be free and declare that you are “sick and tired of being sick and tired,” you will be motivated to make necessary moves toward liberation. The truth is, you will remain where you are only as long as you hold yourself prisoner.
The interesting thing about this is that we do not have to be superhuman or extraordinary to break loose from our limitations. There is really no such thing as a “great” person. There are only “ordinary” people who have decided to do “great” things. These are people who are motivated by a burning desire to be free in order to express their unlimited potential. Each day, they meet their problems head-on, overcoming them one at a time until they achieve their deepest desires. Instead of blaming others for their condition, they take action to change their situation.
Making friends with failure
Failure is a necessary part of growth yet it produces one of the strongest fears most people have. As a child, it did not bother you. Everything you learned as a child was learned by trial and error. Sometimes you were successful, and sometimes you were not. If you were not, you simply tried again until you got it right. Failure was accepted as part of the growth process.
Unfortunately, somewhere along your path of development, you picked up the idea that there is something wrong with failing. You became very much concerned about what others would think when failure occurred. Even if you did not take chances with your life, you felt you must always look good in the eyes of your family, friends and society.
As this habit pattern became impressed into our subconscious, our limited thinking made us a prisoner. In order to function, we created a COMFORT ZONE whereby we avoided unpleasant situations and established a routine that we felt comfortable with. “Unfortunately, our comfort zone shuts off all the unlimited possibilities, which exist outside it.”
If we are to break out of the comfort zone we created, we must make friends with failure. When we decide to give up our need for approval, it will not matter how many mistakes we make as long as we reach our ultimate goal.
What we are talking about here is PERSISTENCE. This is the dynamic quality that separates the achievers from the non-achievers and often, surprisingly, takes the place of intelligence, knowledge, education and even experience. Those who are persistent refuse to allow any person, circumstance or condition to get in their way. An unknown writer put it this way: “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not. Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not. The world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are supreme.”