Identify taxable activities, properties to increase IGF – Assemblies admonished

Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) have been admonished to identify taxable activities and properties to increase revenue mobilisation.
Assembly members have been tasked to support and assist their respective assemblies to identify such activities and properties and help the assemblies collect levies, taxes and rates to increase their Internally Generated Funds (IGF) to transform communities.
Francis Ankomah, Adansi South District Chief Executive, who made the admonition, charged assembly members to support and assist the assemblies revenue mobilisation drive by educating and sensitising residents on their civic responsibility.
Presenting motorbikes to the 44 assembly members in the district at a ceremony at New Edubiase, he challenged them against using the items unproductively or sell them but support and assist them in the discharge of their duties in their respective communities.
“Without education and sensitisation on their civic responsibilities, residents will feel reluctant to pay levies, taxes and rates needed to improve livelihoods and transform communities because the people and communities need amenities to progress, grow and develop,” he noted.
Mr Ankomah told the assembly members they had a critical role to play in revenue mobilisation so as not to rely on the Assemblies Common Fund which usually delayed and it was important for them to help the assembly identify all taxable activities and properties in their areas towards tax purposes to grow and develop communities.
He said adequate revenue was crucial for the progress, growth and development agenda of the assembly to improve livelihoods and not impoverish residents and appealed to assembly members to educate and sensitise their communities on the need to honour their tax obligations by paying their property rates and other levies to support and assist their communities. -GNA