
Mind Your own business

To this day, Dr Rob­ert Anthony claims that, relatively little is known about the human mind and its principal tool, the brain. “We are finding out that the more we think we know, the more there is to learn.”

He says that like electricity, the mind is a usable force, which has existed and will continue to exist for eternity. “Its powers stagger the imagination.” While, every day, science is learning more and more about its tremendous potential we need not look beyond that which is WITHIN us for the self-confi­dence and power to solve all our problems and make life as we wish it to be. “From the beginning, the answers have been within you. You have always possessed the wisdom, intuition and mental resources to express life fully and perfectly.”

The Master Teacher reminded His followers, “Lo, do not look here, do not look there, the King­dom of Heaven is within you”. Over 2000 years later, most people still have not gotten the message that they are personally endowed with the ability to choose and the potential power to accomplish anything they desire.

Education, government and religion have combined to create a subtle atmosphere of dependency that places and keeps the individual in a state of mental bondage. As a result, most people look outside of themselves for help. They want everyone, God especially, to do for them what they should be doing for themselves. They are unaware that all the wisdom, intuition, per­fection, love and ability they need resides within them and these great powers are waiting to be released.

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The three primary phases of Mind can be broken into: Con­scious, Subconscious and Super­conscious. Throughout this expla­nation, you must remember that you do not have three minds. You have ONE Mind with three phases. Your mind is that portion of the one Universal Mind, which you are using, and it is broken down into three phases.

The business of living a creative life and achieving total self-confi­dence requires that you get know the three phases of your mind and understand the primary functions of each. Dr Anthony calls this joint venture of all the phases working together YOU, INCORPORAT­ED.

Everything that is happening to us emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually is the unfolding of what is happening in our mind, that tremendous electrical power which is able to reproduce accurately all the feelings, thoughts, sensations, sights, sounds and stimuli from the outside world.

Think about your eyes and how they work in amazing coordination with your brain to enable you to see. You do not really see with your eyes. Your eyes send a message to your brain, and it is the brain that pictures and projects the vibra­tory pattern of what you “see”. The electrical pulses are forms of energy that have the power to create in the outer world anything you accurately picture in the inner world of your mind. By controlling your mind, you control your life.

Electricity is magnetic. The world is full of electricity. So is your body. Dr Wayne Dyer advises that you must build a constant Awareness of this fact and learn to generate your magnetism to attract, not repel the things you desire in life.


The law of Mental Magnetism states that you will draw to yourself that which you most persistently think about; and no person is what he thinks he is, but what he thinks, he is!

The Law of Mental Magnetism is similar to nature’s law of mag­netism. If you were to take an iron magnet, it would draw any iron substance to it. But it would attract only iron and reject all other ma­terials. LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE. Why is a magnet a magnet? Simply because all the molecules are point­ed in the same direction. Their pulling power is fused together. “Ordinary metal molecules are pushing and pulling against each other. Implicit in this phenomenon is the value of unity of purpose.”

Whatever you give dominant thought to, whether it be sick­ness or health, success or failure, abundance or lack, love or hate, the object of your attention will be attracted to you. Your brain cells are sending out magnetic thought waves that can travel to infinity. Each cell is a want cell and it com­bines with others to attract the sum total of your wants, whether they are negative or positive.

The important thing is to know exactly what you want. If you do not, you will attract only confu­sion. You may say, “I do not want sickness, yet I am sick.” But what are you most persistently thinking about? What are you giving your dominant attention to? Sickness!

People who are not clear on what they really want consistently attract things that seem inconsis­tent with their wishes. Everybody, on the surface, wishes for such things as success, friendship, love, happiness, safety and security, but because they focus on what they do not want, they do not attract the things that they want.

Like the magnet with its opposite attracting and repelling ends, for every positive want, we have a neg­ative want which we will not admit and which, often, we are not even aware exists. Thus it is imperative to know exactly what we desire for the Law of Mental Magnetism always attracts our true wants. It does not attract our wishes, whims or passing fancies.

Most people say they want success, but the truth is that they really do not want it at all. They do not want to do the things that will bring them success. For example, people are not successful because they have money. They have money because they are successful. Most of us want the results of success, but not the responsibility that goes along with it.

With all the knowledge, educa­tion and training available today, it is harder to fail than succeed. But success scares most people and so they fail because, subconsciously, they are afraid of success.

There are those who say they want happiness, yet go about being depressed, angry, rejected, resentful and self-pitying. The simple fact is that you will give your dominant attention to what you really want, and what you give your dominant attention to will be yours through the Law of Mental Magnetism.

The Law of Mental Magnetism also applies to the radiation of your thoughts. If you throw a pebble into a pond, you will see ripples going out in circles. These circles ultimately reach the shore. If you were to take two stones of different sizes and weights and toss them both in at the same time a few feet apart, their ripples would eventually converge. In the ensuing struggle for supremacy, the larger ripples from the larger stone would overcome the smaller ripples from the smaller stone. So it is with your thoughts. The larger the thought, the bigger your thinking, the more easily it will vanquish smaller thoughts. Positive thoughts set up waves, which are bigger, more energetic and have stronger vibra­tions. These more powerful vibra­tions reach their objective because, like the big stone in the water, they create higher and stronger waves.

Every time you send out a negative thought, just like turning off the electric light switch, you automatically lower the magnetism in your body and mind. Thoughts of sickness, poverty, hate, resent­ment, lack and limitation discon­nect you from your creative power to magnetize and attract. The more this happens, the more you run down your mental power source until, like an automobile battery that has been drained, it finally dies. Fortunately, you can recharge your battery and become an increasingly magnetic individual by using positive thoughts and words. Remember, positive energy creates; negative energy destroys.

It is time, then, that we begin to learn how our mind operates and how we can use the correct thinking process to magnetise and attract the good things we want in our life experience.


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