
The present role of Ghanain the affairs of Africa; and the future of Africa

“The Independence of Ghana is meaningless unless it is linked up with the total liberation of Africa”.

The above quotation is a landmark and memorable speech made by OsagyefoDr Kwame Nkrumah of blessed memory, the first president of Ghana, soon after Ghana attained her political independence on 6th March, 1957.

It is undisputable that OsagyefoDr Kwame Nkrumah was in at forefront of Africa’s struggles for liberation and freedom soon after Ghana’s independence.

And President Nkrumah practically demonstrated this quest for Africa by trotting to and fro on the African continent, advocating and propagating Africa’s total freedom; and a possible United States of Africa government to parallel that of the United States of America.

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That was in the 1960s when this took place during the tenure of President Nkrumah as President of Ghana, until his overthrow on Thursday, 24 February, 1966 by the military.

As at now, Ghana’s involvement in the affairs of Africa in terms of leadership is not all that brilliant and impacting as compared to the era of the 1960’s when OsagyefoDr Kwame Nkrumah featured as the champion of African affairs.

Although, Ghana ispresently doing well in the role of mediatorship and the solution of disputes and conflicts in the West African sub region (ECOWAS), she is expected to take leadership role in the whole African continent as the star of Africa.

In spite of this situation; one cannot lose sight of the fact that Ghana is a haven of peace and harmony, which is nonexistent in other African countries.

This makes Ghana stand unique on the African continent now. Refugees of all categories in Africa and beyond do run to Ghana for safety in times of trouble such as being arrested for imprisonment or any other form of political persecution in their countries.

Ghana has therefore become an asylum for political rebels and dissidents; and citizens particularly from the West African subregion such as Nigeria, Togo, Benin, Mali, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Cote d’Ivoire, Cameroon, Liberia, SierraLeone etc. do run to Ghana for their safety in times of election disputes, civil wars etc. which threatens the safety of ordinary citizens in these countries.

Ghana becomes a land of peace and goodwill, where all peace loving people seem to like and dwell.

By his initiative and direction OsagyefoDr Kwame Nkrumah, under the auspices of the Organization of African Unity (O.A.U) organiseda conference in Accra in 1965 to deliberate on African liberation and unity.

Prior to this important conference in Accra, there were other conferences that were held in Accra on the initiative of President Nkrumah to deliberate on African liberation from colonial rule and exploitation and the quest for an African union government.

In fact, President Nkrumah’s voice was all over the continent of Africa and beyond for his concern for the total liberation of Africa.

Besides his numerous thought provoking speeches, President Nkrumah wrote voluminous books on Africa’s emancipation such as “Africa Must Unite” “Neocolonialism”“Africa’s High Command” “Rhodesia file”, “Imperialism” etc. to propagate his ideas on Africa’s liberation

Although post Nkrumah Ghana, is doing much to reinforce Nkrumah’s zeal for a United States of Africa, there is much more to be done by Ghana as the star of Africa for African liberation and unity at the present time.

The African continent at the present time is characterized with poverty, disease, hunger and misery which need to be eradicated to make the continent free to experience a very high level of development and prosperity, since Africa has the largest inexhaustible natural resources in the whole world.

By critical analysis and evaluation, what Ghana is doing now in her role in African affairs, can be safely said that, Ghana has to intensify and to accentuate her efforts for the true liberation of the African continent; and for a possible attainment of a United States of Africa government.

To this end, Ghana should now play a key role in the selling of the idea of a United States of Africa government. She must move the African continent towards the achievement of this noble goal. It should be like revisiting the Nkrumah’s era of the 1960’s and bringing it to its logical conclusion of a United Statesof Africa government in the 21st century of recorded human history.

Apart from consolidating the peace and harmony that prevails in the present Ghanaian situation, Ghanaian political leaders should forge strong unity among Ghanaians and use this as a spring board to propagate for peace, unity, tolerance and understanding among all Africans; and this will gradually lead to the ideal idea of all African countries coming under the umbrella of one strong and dynamic head of state to lead a United States of African government as a fulfillment of the long awaited noble vision of the greatest African of the millennium, Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, the first President of Ghana of blessed memory.

This seemingly noble idea of being impossible can be possible with God inspired spirited individual Africans, just like what America’s God inspired spirited individual in the persons of George Washington and others, who fought hard and brought about the United States of America into being. For all things are possible with God in the affairs of men!

Ghana is the star and a beacon of Africa; and Ghana can be the spring board for the achievement of this seemingly impossible goal.

The God of North America is the same God of Africa and He does not discriminate in the bestowing of His goodness to all His creations; not exempting Africans, as His created beings.

In conclusion, I state that I have the optimism and conviction that a United States of Africa government can be given birth on the African continent, as it did happen on the North American Continent in the eighteenth century of recorded human history; and Ghana can lead the way for the realisation of this seemingly impossible noble golden idea for Africa.

By Michael Akenoo: Theatre Critic

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