
Varsity graduates urged to channel skills into employment creation

 The Vice Chan­cellor of the Ho Technical Uni­versity (HTU), Professor Benjamin Honyenuga, has called on university graduates to channel their skills into the creation of employment.

He said that was the only way the nation could benefit from skills, and warned them against searching for non-existing white collar jobs.

Professor Honyenugah said rapid technological advancement required that graduates apply their skills into the creation of jobs, wealth and improve standards of living.

The Vice Chancellor made the call when he was addressing the 25th graduation of 1,548 graduates of the HTU, who were awarded Diploma, High National Diploma and Degrees.

He said it was important for graduates to demonstrate their ability to address developmental challenges confronting society, through self-employment as well as training and employment of others with useful skills.

Prof. Honyenugah announced that HTU had introduced new pro­grammes; MSc Agricultural Science and Technology, MSc Hospitality and Tourism Management, BA Communication and Applied Me­dia Technology, B-Tech Biomedical Engineering and BSc. Accounting (Finance and Taxation option).

The others are BSc. Financial Service (Banking and Finance and Finance Insurance option), BSc. Economics and Innovation, and BSc. Agricultural Technology.

Prof. Honyenugah said the uni­versity was working hard to posi­tion itself as a centre of excellence in research and innovation.

He said that a group of third year students of the Department of Civil Engineering had developed technology that could help mitigate the impact of flooding in commu­nities, through a resilient building design.

Prof. Honyenugah said the inno­vative model was engineered with unique ability to withstand rising water levels, making it a promising option for flood prone areas.

He explained that the model incorporated buoyant materials and advanced structural techniques that allowed a building to adapt to surging water conditions.

Prof. Honyenugah disclosed that the HTU was appointed as the Focal Institution for the Economic Community for West Africa States (ECOWAS) Regional Certification Scheme for Sustainable energy Skills in Ghana (RCSSS).

He said it was in recognition of HTU’s commitment to advancing sustainable energy education and training in the sub-region.

Prof. Honyenugah urged graduates of the HTU to be good ambassadors of the institution, and cautioned them against acts of violence.

He said the university would not hesitate in withdrawing certificates of students found to have engaged in violent activities.

A graduate of the HTU, and entrepreneur, Mr Churchill Ame­diame, called on the gradaunts to serve as light to society by taking advantage of available opportuni­ties to create their own businesses and employ others, to give meaning to the skills acquired.

He said self-employment with the desire to succeed was the spirit of a successful entrepreneur, saying with determination and innovation gradaunts could become agents of development in their respective communities.


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