
APRM moves to get all 54 African countries to sign onto self-assessment mechanism by 2025

 The African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) has intensified efforts to get all the 54 countries on the continent to sign onto the home grown self-assessment mechanism by 2025 in order to improve good governance and sustainable development.

Currently, 44 countries have signed onto the self- monitoring mechanism that is used to assess countries progress in four thematic areas bordering on all sectors of life of the people on the continent.

The APRM was born out of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development in 2003 as a “home-grown tool” for African govern­ment to share experiences, ensure best practices on the continent for democratic governance, political stability and economic growth, to translate into improvement in the lives of the people.

Ten countries, including South Sudan, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Morrocco are yet to sign on the voluntary self-assessment mecha­nism.

It is expected that with the participation of all countries, the APRM will promote the advance­ment of socio-economic devel­opment and contribute to the attainment of AU Agenda 2063 and the 2030 Sustainable Develop­ment Goals, aim at improving the welfare of people on the continent.

The South Africa Country Coordinator of the APRM, Ger­main Tshinu, disclosed this to the Ghanaian Times here in Midrand after moving a motion in the PAP for the debate and adoption of the latest APRM Country Reports and Governance Report on South Africa and Namibia, on behalf of the Chief Executive Officer, Marie Antionnette Rose Quatre.

“With our new CEO who has just assumed office, we are engaging these countries who have not yet acceded to the mechanism that should be owned by Africans, we hope by the end of the year or next year all these countries will be part and parcel of the APMR,” Mr Tshinu said.

“These countries have to show interest and be obliged to under­take APRM processes and reviews, there are many issues in Africa, when you engage a country they also have their challenges, they have their priorities, we send letters, maybe the President is not around to receive the team, we have to postpone again.”

“There are several benefits in signing onto the APRM, Ghana is a member of the mechanism, we have visited Ghana and conducted targeted review last year and we will soon launch the report.

“ APRM is an own- grown tool to ensure that we improve the gov­ernance of our country, and our resources. The review mechanism takes accounts of all the sectors of life, when we review , we come out with recommendations which when implemented properly by member countries, it will improve the welfare of the population,” he added.

The country Coordinator said, “We engage the PAP to influence governments decisions and policies by passing legislations and mo­bilising support for the APRM processes to participate in sensitis­ing and reviving political debates on APRM.”

“We are also undertaking visits to regional Parliaments and coun­try Parliaments to sensitise them to the benefits of the APRM, so that they implement the country’s review reports for the benefit of the people.”




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