At least 100 female staff of aviation industry were on last Thursday screened for breast cancer and its related ailmentS, as part of activities marking this year’s breast cancer awareness programme.
The programme, jointly organised byDelta Airline and Breast Care International (BCI), an NGO,was in partnership with women in Aviation to get them screened to detect a possible cancer for early treatment.
Speaking at the occasion, President of BCI, Dr Beatrice WiafeAddai, underscored the need for women to get themselves examined on monthly basis, while getting a clinical breast screened once every year.
She indicated that getting the breast examined would help in early detection of the lump for early treatment to save the breast and life.
“Breast cancer is the most common cancer that affect women in the world. When it is not diagnosed early the cancer can spread out and it will lead women to lose a breast or both breasts or the ability to produce children or their life as well,” she added.
DrAddai observed that 15 per cent of women who had breast cancer were below the ages of 50 years, stressing that “in Ghana the youngest person who was diagnosed of the cancer was 13years.”
She, therefore, cautioned women against the use of bleaching creams and hair relaxers as some contained chemicals which could cause breast cancer.
DrAddai observed that skin lighteners contained variety of substances, including topical steroids, mercury and hydroquinones as well as hormonally active compounds like phthalates, commonly known as “fragrances” or “perfumes.”
She indicated that although the cause of breast cancer was still unknown, lifestyles like intake of alcohol, smoking, not washing the bra on regular basis, excess fatty consumption, lack of exercise, skin bleaching, injection and pills were risk factors.
Other risk factor, DrAddainoted,was genetic mutation which she said 10 per cent of women who had breast cancers in the country were from it, while 90per cent were not.
She expelled the belief that breast cancer was only common among the adults and also denounced claims that it could be prevented through stimulation and sucking of the breast by one’s spouse, adding that “men can also get breast cancer.”
Sidoine Rodrigues, A manager of Delta Airline explained that since October was a month set aside to create awareness on breast cancer, his outfit had deemed it a mandate to support awareness creation of the cancer to get women treated with screening programmes.
For the past five years, he indicated that Delta Airline had supported BCI outreach project and was proud that the partnership had enabled many women and men to have access to screening programmes and seek treatment.
“Through our partnership, thousands of people have been screened with many suspected cases found. Catching breast cancer early is the key to a cure,” he added.