Exhibit higher moral standards- UMaT Vice Chancellor urges new students

The Vice Chancellor of the University of Mines and Technology (UMaT),Prof Jerry S. Y.Kuma, has urged new students of the university to exhibit higher moral standards during their stay on campus.
He said : “You need to place premium on your academic work by being regular at lectures, carrying out all your assignments, avoiding unacceptable behaviour and other vices especially drug abuse such as smoking Indian hemp and cocaine. UMaT has a zero tolerance for occultism, any form of anti-social behaviour, hooliganism and corruption.Never take the freedom you will be experiencing here for granted because where your freedom ends another person’s freedom begins.”
Prof Kuma gave the advice on Saturday at the 15th matriculation ceremony of UMaT during which 681fresh students were formally initiated into the university, bringing its population to 2,790.
He declared: “The university has enjoyed relative peace over the years and you are therefore advised to keep strictly your matriculation oath and stay away from any activities that would threaten the peace and stability of the university as any manifestation would be dealt with in accordance with the rules and regulations.”
The Vice Chancellor told the students that the matriculation oath affirmed their loyalty to the university and to all whom obedience was required and pledged that lecturers and administrators would also guide, help them acquire the best quality engineering degree, expand their horizons,understand the society and achieve their dreams.
He asked the student to study the students’ Guide and the Conduct of Programmes so that they did not fall foul of the regulations “because sanctions would be applied strictly without fear or favour”.
Prof Kuma warned: “You must also take note that in our university we take examinations very seriously. Consequently, you are encouraged to carefully read all regulations guiding the conduct of examinations. When you cheat during examinations and you are caught we shall apply the rules to the latter which could lead to your outright dismissal.”
UMaT, he assured parents, would help the students do great things adding, “We shall do our utmost best to guide your wards and give them the necessary skills that would propel them into the future with many opportunities because UMaT is the best public-funded university in Ghana.”
Prof. Kuma added that UMaT, a centre of excellence, had achieved some strides contributing to the development and growth of the mining and petroleum allied engineering programmes and the technological advancements of the country and in the world.
“We have also positioned this university in a state where it will be the most preferred among engineering universities in Africa, making significant contributions to society, a truly 21st century university and a force to reckon with among universities globally.We have built a strong reputation for discipline, integrity, and justice and are therefore known for our efficiency and effectiveness. UMaT is a well-known brand that is committed to ensuring that we take our academic and research activities to higher levels,” Prof Kuma stressed.