
Fresh violence in Bangladesh student protests

Fresh violence has broken out in Bangladesh between police and student protest­ers demanding justice for victims of recent unrest.

Clashes were reported in the capital, Dhaka, and other cities on Wednesday. In the north-eastern city of Sylhet, an official claimed demonstrators had attacked po­lice who in turn used tear gas.

Photos sent from the southern city of Barisal to BBC Bangla show police in riot gear and wielding batons, barricading demonstrations and taking away protesters, many of whom are women.

More than 200 people have been killed in this month’s violence, mostly as a result of police opening fire. Nearly 10,000 people have reportedly been detained.

Wednesday’s “March for Jus­tice” was called by the Students Against Discrimination move­ment.

They said they were demon­strating against “mass killings, arrests, attacks, and disappearanc­es of students and people”.

Students have been protest­ing against attempts to reinstate quotas in civil service jobs for relatives of veterans from the country’s war for independence from Pakistan in 1971 for more than three weeks.

A third of public sector jobs had been set aside for them, but on 21 July the Supreme Court court ruled just 5% of the roles could be reserved.

The student movement believes the system is discriminatory and has demanded recruitment based on merit.

Organisers have demanded an apology from Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina, and for six minis­ters to resign over deadly clashes at the resulting protests.

The government blames the main opposition, Bangla­desh Nationalist Party, and the Jamaat-e-Islami party for the unrest.

The European Union has post­poned talks with Bangladesh on a new co-operation agreement after criticism of the government’s crackdown.


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