
Give up hope and take action

Successful people are people who are constantly busy doing things that they do not know how to do for sure. They do not know what the future will hold. All they know is that they are committed to a path, and they will do what­ever has to be done to get to the next step, that gets them to the next step, that gets them to the next step, and so on. Unsuccessful people just live intimidated and immobilised by the fear of discov­ering that they are in error or are making a mistake.

Look at the failures you have had in your life and notice how you were more concerned with being right, looking good, pro­tecting yourself and not making a mistake than you were with making a correction. Somehow we have gotten the notion that all we have to do is to get to the point where we will be smart enough so that we do not fail. Dr Robert Anthony says emphatically that the option is simply not available to us. “It is like trying to eat once and for all. It cannot be done.”

The more successful you are; the more mistakes you will make. Peo­ple that do not do anything, do not make mistakes. Rather than start and commit themselves to a course of action, they allow themselves to be immobilised. They think that as long as they do not do anything, they are safe. While that may be true, the price they pay in not real­ising their dreams is far too high.

Time to give up hope

It is at this point that we must give up hope. We say things like, “I hope this works,” “I hope I have enough money,” “I hope they will buy my products.” “I hope things get better.” We hope that someone will save us, take care of us, change our life, make us happy and bring us what we want. We hope and we wait, but they never show up. What we need to do is give up hope, Dr Anthony advises.

“Hope is the subtle illusion of what might be someday. It is important to accept what you want and accept it in the present tense – that it is already yours right now. Hope, so highly praised by many, has neither value nor meaning to a conscious person.”

Prisoners of hope

We become prisoners of our hope. Hope is the expectation that something outside of ourselves, something or someone external, is going to come to our rescue, and we will live happily ever after. It is that little rush of hope that keeps us going from one disappoint­ment to another, because it keeps us from taking responsibility and taking action.

Letting go of hope can be a difficult experience at first, because if we believe that there is no hope, we think, “How am I going to sur­vive?” The fact that nothing or no one outside of ourselves will save us is the truth. In the beginning, this truth is difficult to accept, but after we have accepted it, some­thing interesting begins to happen. “It becomes freeing. We can finally stop waiting for someone or some­thing that was never going to show up anyway.”

Once we give up hope and stop asking a source outside of ourselves to deliver something that they cannot deliver, there is a dynamic shift in our relation­ship to Life. “We begin to choose advancement instead of avoidance, and we become responsible for the quality of our own life. As long as we believe in hope, we are a pris­oner of our own hope. It is only when we become HOPELESS that we will take responsibility for our lives.”

Give up hope for action

We want to train ourselves to give up hope and take action. There is only one way that you are going to find out for sure what is right for you and that is by taking action. You can think about what you want, you can speculate about it, you can gather all the facts and you can ponder the possibilities for the rest of your life, but you will never know for sure until you DO IT, until you take action.

Getting started is difficult some­times. It is the Law of Inertia. Any object at rest takes as much greater amount of energy to move than when it is already in motion. The best advice Dr Anthony shares is to do something. “Make a decision, even if it is the “wrong” decision. Whatever you do, it will be better than sitting and hoping things will improve.”

Once you have told your subconscious that you have done everything that you can do, trust it to take care of the rest. It knows what to do because it is connected to the Universal Subconscious. Begin by knowing that you have already arrived, that at the Being level you already have everything that you need. You are already a success. You are already healthy. You are already rich. Live your vision, experience unconditional love, and enjoy the magnificence of your own being.

How many times have you been told that you can do it or that you can have it all? And yet, as you read the words, there is another little voice in your head that says, “In my case it is different. I am not able to. It is too difficult. What will they say? What if it does not work? What if I make a mistake?” This is the same little voice that has robbed you of achieving your in­nermost desires. You do not have to listen to that little voice. That is not your Real Self. That is your ego and your past conditioning. Make a conscious decision to pro­gram new thoughts, new ideas and beliefs. You are the only one who can choose what you want to think and what you want to believe.

Belief creates everything. When you have belief, you have faith. Faith is the absolute knowing that your thoughts become your reality. That the energy you send out is the results you get back. Faith is the knowledge that whatever you do will work if you totally believe it will work. Everything works on our acceptance.

Have you ever driven your car with the emergency brake on? The emergency brake represents fear, anxiety, procrastination and poor self-esteem. The fact is that you can still get where you want to go with all these unworkable beliefs, just as you can get where you want to go with the emergency brake on. But it is a lot easier to just let go and release the brake. It is a lot easier to get where you want to go if you will let go of anything that does not support you in getting what you want.

You have been programmed that seeing is believing, but you now know that BELIEVING IS SEE­ING. If you believe in something with absolute faith, you will see it manifested in your life. If you are waiting to become something or are waiting for something to happen before you can start living – such as reaching a certain age, retirement, a certain amount of money in the bank, achieving a goal, meeting the right person – you are existing in a state of perpetual expectation. You never arrive and so you never really start living.

What perhaps most frightens terminally ill patients is the reali­zation that they have never lived the life they wished and there is no more time. The only time that we have is NOW, and the clock is run­ning out for all of us. The question is, “What are we going to do with the time we have left?” This is the most important time of your life, and it can also be the best time of your life.


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