GLIS holds graduation for 85 SHS students

The Ghana-Lebanon Islamic School (GLIS) in Accra on Saturday held graduation for its 85 students who sat for the West Africa Senior School Certificate Examinations (WASSCE) with a call on them not to let failure deter them in life.
Wishing them the very best in their WASSCE, the guest speaker, Najib Tanko, who delivered a paper on “overcoming failure,” told the student that failure was a great test of the journey of life from which valuable lessons were learnt.
“No one is immune to failure, everyone has experienced it in varied degrees, it has a valuable lessons in the long run, we should be able to take important lessons from it and inspire us to success.”
Mr Tanko, an electrical engineer, drew the attention of the students to great personalities who had experienced failures and later turned out to be successful in their chosen endeavours, adding “take inspirations from many people who have overcome failure.”
Made up of 25 males and 58 females, the students, who are now awaiting results of their WASSCE to move on to tertiary institutions, were presented with certificates of completion and others also received special award for excelling in school sponsored by the old students association.
The visual art students showcased their handiwork to the admiration of the gathering made up of staff, parents, old students and other stakeholders.
GLISS was established in 2000 by the Ghana Islamic Society for Education and Reformation, to promote economic and political upliftment of the underprivileged Muslim community through education.
The Headmaster, Somalia Mohammed urged the students to keep the standard of the school aloft saying “we have instilled in you virtues such as punctuality, regularity, integrity, honesty, truthfulness, good leadership and unity in diversity.
“We have taught you what you knew not so that as you go out there to the larger community you will serve as the light in the community,” he added.
Mr Mohammed expressed the need to set up an endowment fund to help needy students in the school, adding that some parents had difficulty paying the school fees.
He urged the parents to keep on sacrificing for their children while they move on to the next level of their education.
The school board chair, Amin Kabara, urged the students to carry on with the values of integrity, perseverance and a commitment to lifelong learning, adding “we have every confidence that you will go on to achieve greatness.”