
Include re-establishment of national airline in ‘reset agenda’  …President Mahama urged

 The Chief Ex­ecutive Officer of Richard­son Group of Companies, John Andrew Richard­son, has called on President John Mahama to include the re-es­tablishment of a national airline as part of his ambitious reset agenda.

As the founder of Oligarch Africa Ltd, Mr Richardson, a seasoned entrepreneur and leader in the travel and tourism industry, emphasised the profound impact a national airline could have on Ghana’s economy, tourism, and global image.

Reflecting on the legacy of Ghana Airways, established in the late 1950s by Dr Kwame Nkrumah, Mr Richardson in a statement highlighted its histor­ical role as a symbol of national pride and progress.

“The national airline had its own fleet, including Douglas DC-9s and McDonnell Douglas

 DC-10’s with weekly flights from Accra to cities such as; London, Paris, Zurich, New York,” he said.

Mr Richardson expressed his belief that reviving the spirit of Ghana Airways or forming a new national airline under a public-private partnership (PPP) agreement could yield immense benefits for the country.

According to him, a well-man­aged national airline could be a game-changer for Ghana’s economy.

“A new national airline will boost our tourism sector, en­hance job creation and revenue generation. An efficient na­tional airline will improve trade and connectivity by facilitating trade seamlessly ensuring the movement of goods, especially exports. It will also serve as a symbol of National identity and pride, projecting a positive image for the country globally,” he stated.

 Mr Richardson further under­ scored the symbolic importance of a national airline, stating that it could project a positive image of Ghana globally.

“It will serve as a symbol of national identity and pride, strengthening our diplomatic ties by opening routes to strategic countries,” he added.

John Andrew Richardson is the CEO of Richardson Group of Companies.

In addition to its economic and cultural benefits, the sea­soned entrepreneur pointed out that a national airline could en­hance Ghana’s sovereign control over air travel policies, including security and route management.

This, he argued, would solidi­fy the nation’s position in region­al and global aviation markets.

In view of these reason, Mr Richardson appealed to Presi­dent Mahama to incorporate this vision into the Reset Agenda, en­suring that the airline is not only reestablished but also efficiently managed under a PPP model.

“I believe the above sits well within your Reset Agenda, and if considered, Ghanaians will bene­fit immensely,” he asserted.

As the founder of Oligarch Africa Ltd, a premier interna­tional travel and tours agency, Mr Richardson’s advocacy stems from his deep understanding of the aviation and tourism sectors.

His call aligns with Ghana’s broader aspirations for sustain­able economic growth and global connectivity

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