
Make your connection

Ralph Waldo Em­erson once said: ‘‘A miracle is nothing more or less than this. Anyone who has come into a knowledge of his true identity, of his oneness with the all-pervading wisdom and power, thus makes it possible for laws higher than the ordinary mind knows of to be revealed to him.’’

You have within you, right now, great mental and spiritual powers that you can tap into to solve any problem or achieve any goal. “Per­haps the most effective way to get through a crunch point in your life is to turn to these special resources and use them to overcome any obstacle or resolve any difficulty,” Brian Tracy observes.

Throughout the ages, this great power has been called many things. In the Bible, it is referred to as the Holy Spirit. Napoleon Hill, after interviewing 500 of the richest men in America, called it Infinite Intelligence. He found that virtual­ly all those wealthy men attributed their success in business to their habitual use of this greater mind. Many psychologists and mystics refer to it as the superconscious mind, or the collective uncon­scious. Ralph Waldo Emerson called it the ‘oversoul’.

If you are spiritually inclined, you will see this as the God mind, or the power of God available to you and working through you, wherever you are and whenever you want. In the Book of Psalms, this power is referred to as ‘‘a very present help in trouble’’. It is always available, anywhere and any­time. You need only to turn to it in any difficulty, and this great power will become available to you.

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This power can solve any prob­lem, resolve any difficulty, and give you the insights and ideas you need to surmount any obstacle. It is easy to contact. You can use meditation, contemplation, solitude, or prayer to make your connection with this power at any time, including this very moment.

The most powerful way to tune in to this greater mind is to devel­op an attitude of faith, an attitude of calm, confident expectation that all will be well. This mental attitude seems to be the catalyst that causes this greater mind to activate and go to work in your life.

When you turn to this great power, it will automatically and continuously solve every problem on the path to your goal, as long as your goal is clear. In times of turbulence and confusion—as in a crunch point—your long-term goals may be fuzzy and contradic­tory. For this reason, to tap into this great power, your goals should be, first of all, peace of mind, and second of all, a happy resolution to whatever challenges you are facing.

The calmer you are, the more rapidly this spiritual power works to solve your problems and get you out of the crunch. Sometimes this power works immediately. It is said that ‘‘God is ready the moment you are.’’

The wonderful thing about this power is that the greater trust you have in it, the more rapidly and predictably it works, sometimes in the most unexpected ways.

There is a story of a farm boy who was playing one day, walking on the top of the corrugated tin roof of a three-storey barn. Sud­denly he slipped, lost his balance, and began sliding towards the edge of the thirty-foot drop. Panick­ing, he cried out, ‘‘Please God, help me’’. Just at that moment, his pants caught on a nail and he stopped sliding towards the edge. He looked up and said, ‘‘Never mind, God, my pants are caught on a nail.”

Many people are like that little boy. They pray for a resolution to their problems and when it comes, they fail to recognise its source. Once you ‘‘put in your order’’ for help in getting out of a crunch, you must remain open to all the little things that are happening around you. Your solution may come in the form of a phone call, a magazine or newspaper article, or a casual remark at an unexpected time. The rule is that ‘‘whatever you want, wants you’’.

Remain alert and aware of all possibilities. Talk to yourself posi­tively to keep yourself in the right frame of mind. One of the things that Brian Tracy says over and over to himself is, ‘‘I believe in the per­fect outcome of every situation in my life because God is in complete control.’’

One of his favourite passages from the Bible is, ‘‘the will of God for me is always good and perfect and acceptable.’’ By repeating sen­tences like this, you attune yourself to this higher power and allow it to work through you and for you.

This power brings you the lessons you need to achieve your goals and to be successful and happy in the future. You must recognise them as lessons when they occur. Your greatest blessings often come disguised as setbacks, problems, and temporary failures.

After twenty years of interview­ing success­ful people, Napoleon Hill came to the conclusion that ‘‘within every prob­lem or difficulty lies the seed of an equal or greater benefit or opportunity’’.

Whatever difficulty you are experiencing, look for the lesson that you are meant to learn from. Sometimes, the lesson contains far greater value than the cost of the problem itself.


Throughout history, great men and women have been men and women of faith. It is said that a person becomes great when he be­gins to take time to spend quietly with himself.

The way that you tune into this higher power on a regular basis is by taking time off to sit in silence, to pray or meditate in complete solitude. During this period of prayer or solitude, you simply let your mind relax. Do not worry or try to think about anything, espe­cially your problem. One technique to help you achieve this calm men­tal state is for you to think about water while you are sitting quietly. Think about a deep pool of still water, or even better, sit and look at a swimming pool or lake. This activity seems to calm the mind at a deep level.

The practice of solitude requires a minimum of thirty minutes and longer if possible. For the first twenty minutes that you spend in solitude, you will have an almost irresistible urge to get up or do something. Your mind may jump around from subject to subject. But you must remain still.

After twenty or twenty-five minutes, you will start to relax and your mind will become calm and clear, like a mountain lake.

Then, as you sit there quietly, allowing your mind to float freely, exactly the answer you need to your most pressing problem will arise in your consciousness. You will receive an insight or an inspira­tion to do something that will turn out, in retrospect, to be exactly the right thing for you to have done at that time.


Through the practice of prayer and contemplation, you activate the Law of Attraction. You turn your mind into a magnet that attracts ideas, people, information, and resources that help you to solve your problems and achieve your goals.

Each time you tap into this power, which is always available to you, it becomes easier to do so in the future; and it will work even more rapidly. Prayer, meditation, and solitude are perhaps the most powerful of all methods you can use to get yourself out of any crunch in work or personal life. “Take the time to connect with the higher power on a regular basis, and expect to see miracles unfold around you.”

Have faith. Be completely confi­dent that there is a solution to your biggest problem and that it will appear in your life at exactly the right time for you. Thomas Edison aptly concludes, thus: ‘‘I know this world is ruled by infinite intelli­gence. Everything that surrounds us—everything that exists—proves that there are infinite laws be­hind it. There can be no denying this fact. It is mathematical in its precision.’’


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