
Prioritise employee wellbeing and job satisfaction …organisations urged

The Ghana Busi­ness Conference on reimagining talent experience and retention that offers valuable insights into addressing talent management has been held in Accra.

Organised by Phillips Consult­ing Limited (pcl.) and LRMG, it featured discussions led by prom­inent executives who presented innovative ideas for improving the utilisation of corporate talent in Ghana.

In his keynote address, Mr Rob Taiwo, the Managing Director, pcl, emphasised, “talent goes where talent wants, and employees have the freedom to choose where they work.”

“Leadership is crucial in creat­ing inclusive work environments that prioritise psychological safety and support employee retention, and those companies that do not prioritise employee wellbeing and job satisfaction may risk losing their top talent to organisations that do,” he said.

Mr Paul Ayim, Partner, Digital Learning, pcl, said, “when you provide your employees with an environment that fosters learning, understanding of the company’s purpose, collaboration, and em­powerment, it leads to a positive experience and high engagement. Thanks to digital learning employ­ees no longer need to wait for a classroom to learn.”

“This democratises the learning experience, improves perfor­mance, and establishes a consis­tent culture. Organisations that reimagine and refocus their talent experience will always out-com­pete peers in their industry,” he mentioned.

Speakers, including Jonathan Thompson, Head of LRMG Af­rica, Oredolapo Adedayo, Head of HR, pcl., Esi Mmirba Wilson, Director, People and Trans­formation, Consolidated Bank Ghana, Francis Buamah, Chief Execution Champion, bASE_ JUMP, and Kojo Amissah, Lead Executive/Principal Consultant, CITAM, shared valuable insights on how companies can improve their talent experiences, increase employee retention rates, address underemployment issues, and promote a culture of inclusivity and skills development.

They also discussed the future of work and the effects of digital technology and Artificial Intelli­gence.


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