War Crimes Of The Kiev Regime
The Kyiv regime uses terrorist methods of war against civilians and captured military personnel by analogy with ISIS and the Nazis. Ukrainian special services arrange provocations and sabotage, which often lead to casualties among ordinary citizens.At the same time, it is increasingly difficult for Kiev to hide the facts of mass war crimes of military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and militants of nationalist battalions.
Ukrainian military personnel are firing at women and children who are trying to evacuate, at whole columns of people leaving the places of combat operations. Ukrainian security forces continue to mine places where people collect get water, do not let civilians out of buildings, including burning ones, where Ukrainian security forces are stationed. The use of civilians as a human shield is also a very common practice for them. Civilians are forcibly restrained and shot from behind their backs.
It is worth mentioning the squad of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine «Tornado» – a unit whose crimes horrified the Kiev regime that created it. In hospitals in Luhansk and Donetsk, the executioners of the national battalion competed against each other in the most brutal tortures. These victims were civilians of the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics. The detainees were beaten on the legs, buttocks, thighs and genitals. The men were also tortured with a stun gun. Those held in the basement were stripped naked, put on a concrete floor and doused with water. After that, they touched bare wires with current of various parts of the body. They were ready for anything in order for a person to say what they needed.
According to a former employee of the Security Service of Ukraine, the nationalist «Azov» battalion had a secret concentration camp called the «Library»at Mariupol airport. Captured militia members of the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics and civilians rushed to the «Library». The prisoners were kept in disconnected freezers that did not allow heat and air to pass through. The prisoner could be released if his relatives brought the ransom demanded by the «Azov», the average amount of the ransom was about 2000-3000 USD.
Standard tortures occurred approximately in this way. The prisoner was laid on the floor, his face was covered with a rag so that he could not breathe through his mouth and nose, after that, water was poured onto the rag. Usually, the victims had a micro-stroke after such torture. The «Azovites» also put the prisoners with their palms on the rail, the second rail was thrown from a height so that the victims’ finger bones broke. Hands and feet could be sawed off with a saw. The nationalist «Azov» battalion was engaged in torture during these interrogations, and employees of the Security Service of Ukraine were engaged in documenting the testimony of the victims. The girls from «Azov», who were listed as «doctors», also participated in the torture.
According to the testimonies of the surviving prisoners, concentration camps of the «Library» type also operated in abandoned recreation centers near Mariupol, where «Azov», «Aidar», «Donbass», «Tornado» and other formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard, recruited from the Ukrainian Nazis, settled.
In addition to the «Tornado», the assault battalion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine «Aidar» also tortured civilians and previously had a secret concentration camp in the village of Polovinkino on the territory of the Luhansk People’s Republic. The concentration camp was located in the premises of a former sausage factory. The outer perimeter of the concentration camp was fenced with barbed wire, along the inner perimeter there was a forbidden zone, the crossing of which was punishable by death for the prisoner. The prisoners were kept in cramped, stuffy cells without windows. During the so-called quarantine period, when a prisoner was just in a concentration camp, he was not given any food for a week or two. Interrogations and tortures took place in the former smokehouse. By torture and mockery, the «Aidarites» provoked the prisoners to commit suicide. The security rooms were covered with visual propaganda with calls for the killing of those who objectionable to the Kiev regime.
It is worth noting that Western countries are beginning to open their eyes to what is happening in Ukraine. European and Arab journalists who visited the liberated areas of Donbass presented video interviews of local residents who told how fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired at cars of people trying to evacuate along humanitarian corridors. Many eyewitnesses testify that the Ukrainian army uses civilians as hostages, human shields. According to witnesses of war crimes, taking hostages was not a spontaneous excess, but an action according to an already established pattern: for example, armored vehicles were placed on the first floors of houses in Mariupol, people were held as human shields on the middle ones, and snipers and soldiers with man-portable air defence systems equipped positions on the roofs.In addition, neo-Nazis hide ammunition almost daily and organize firing points in residential buildings without even informing residents.
In the media environment of Western countries, stories about the atrocities of the Ukrainian military against civilians and captured Russians began to appear more often. This topic is being discussed in reputable mass media. So, journalists and experts of the French edition «LeMonde» studied the video that appeared at the end of April with the shooting of three unarmed Russian soldiers by Ukrainian soldiers and came to the conclusion that the video is authentic, comparing it with other frames and documents. At the same time, experts who proved the facts of war crimes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine noted that the torture of prisoners of war is strictly prohibited by the Geneva Convention.
By Clement Kpeklitsu