135 tutors of agric training institutes upgrade skills in cashew
In an effort to equip tutors of agricultural training institutes with requisite knowledge in the cashew subsector, a training workshop has been held in Sunyani. The training which was in two phases benefited a total of 135 tutors. Seventy-one participants benefited from the first up skilling programme, whilst 62 others were trained during the second phase. The workshop was organised by ComCashew, a non-governmental organisation (NGO) in partnership with the Ghana Skills Development Initiative (GSI/ATVET) with support from the Ministry of Food and Agriculture. The training involves knowledge sharing on technical topics related to the cashew value chain. The Finance and Administrative Manager of ComCashew, Juliana Ofori-Karikari, said the project focused on working to build strong ownership and high performance of the cashew sector in six project countries. They are Ghana, Burkina Faso, Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, Mozambique and Sierra Leone. Madam Ofori-Karikari said the aim was to increase the competitiveness of African cashew production and processing, adding that the project invests heavily in capacity building for smallholder farmers, processors and other actors in the value chain whilst contributing to building sustainable supply chain linkages between value chain actors. The Director for Crop Services of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Mr Seth Osei-Akoto said the government in realising the impact the cashew sector was making on the economy, had formulated and was implementing policies such as planting for export and rural development programme to ensure the sustainable development of the sector. According to him, with the passage into law of the Tree Crop Development Authority, more initiatives would be introduced by the government to make the sector more competitive for all stakeholders and the entire country. The Team Leader of Ghana Skills Development, Mr Leonard Dogbey said agriculture had the potential of reducing unemployment in Ghana, if all stakeholders involved in the sector would contribute to quality and standard skills development. |