
 African Centre for Technical Training inaugurated …Innovative Plumbing Systems Design Programme introduced

The African Centre for Technical Training (ACTT), a technical and vocational skills training and development institute in Ghana, was last Thursday officially inau­gurated at the Adenta Campus in Accra.

These facilities encompass an ultramodern plumbing workshop, lecture hall, computer lab, library, health centre, cafeteria, auditori­um, and conference room.

The occasion marked on the theme “Introduction to the Plumbing Systems Design Pro­gramme,” saw the convergence of key stakeholders from educa­tion, industry, and development organisations, including renowned entities such as BOSCH, GIZ, CAMFED, the German Embassy, and the Ghana Enterprises Agen­cy (GEA).

Shedding light on the insti­tution’s transformative journey, its overarching vision, and the ground-breaking Plumbing Systems Design Programme, the founder and President of ACTT, Miss Penelope Brooke Thomp­son, said the ACTT’s primary mission was to address the critical technical skills gap within various industries.

“This is achieved through the provision of an extensive range of high-quality technical and vocational training programmes, artisan certification, mentorship initiatives, and access to invaluable job placement opportunities,” she added.

The Plumbing Systems Design Programme is a standout offer­ing, combining comprehensive training in soft skills and theoret­ical foundations with extensive hands-on experience gained through workshop training and apprenticeships.

Richard Appiah Otoo, Chief Operating Officer at Ghana Water Company Limited, expressed his endorsement by stating, “For me as an engineer and a practitioner in water supply engineering for the past two decades in Ghana and Africa at large, the challenge has always been sourcing highly skilled artisans for project execu­tion.

Having also studied in Germa­ny, I am familiar with the two-tier track system for theoretical edu­cation and apprenticeships that has produced exemplary German craftsmanship. I believe so much in the ACTT vision which is very timely in addressing this skills gap in Ghana,” she added.

Akosua Manu, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the National Youth Authority (NYA), extended her support for ACTT, saying “What was striking to me is the fact that Penelope pointed out that technical and vocational edu­cation and training seems to be a pathway for people who seem to not do too well in school.

But clearly, she is an advocate for excellence, and we need to highlight the importance of people learning skills. I think what she has done here is incredibly inspiring, and I believe that we are going to see more from this institute,” she added.

ACTT was established in 2022 with a visionary mandate to redefine technical and vocation­al education and training while forging sustainable, alternative pathways for young individuals to secure gainful employment.

Following the resounding success of the pilot programme, the Artisanal Leadership Devel­opment Programme, earlier this year, ACTT is poised to roll out a series of construction-related programmes, commencing with the Plumbing Systems Design programme in September 2023 in Accra.

ACTT is opened to junior and senior high school graduates, unemployed university graduates, early school leavers, as well as sea­soned master artisans and aspiring apprentices.

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