
Critical insights as new NLA Director-General arrives

The general feeling of the staff at the National Lottery Authority is that of anxiety and expectation as they anticipate the appointment of a new Director-General for the state institution.

This situation is not strange and restricted to the NLA; but the same is evident in many of the government parastatals due to change in government as a result of last December general elections. However, some of the NLA work­ers who have worked for over 15 years have seen change in govern­ments with different political ap­pointments to head the authority, and so they may not be perturbed by what is to come with the new boss. The hard truth is that there are subtle political murmurings among the staff, and the underlin­ing factor hinges on when or under what regime or administration a staff was employed; regardless they work diligently to ensure the authority remains a leader in the lottery business in Ghana or not.



Very soon Mr Samuel Awuku will join the league of former Director-Generals of the NLA, having served as the head for a little over three years. He has been elected as a Member of Parliament to represent the good people of Akuapem North Constituency in the Eastern Region. He has done what he could and posterity will be the best judge.

The outgoing D-G inherited some challenges which he tried to tackle head on with zeal, tact, wisdom, and good managerial approach. They include huge debt of unpaid wins, divided union or workers front, delayed promotions of NLA staff, increasing activities of private illegal lotto operators, paper roll issues and others.

Upon assumption of office in August 2021, Mr Awuku, who was venturing into virtually an un­known terrain was challenged by a myriad of problems that confront­ed the authority. Without sounding like a sycophant, NLA staff and lotto industry players would attest to some good deeds carried out within his tenure as the Direc­tor-General. What are some of his achievements?


The major problem which confronted NLA about four years ago was a huge debt including unpaid wins, that was giving a bad image to the authority as far as the customers and stakeholders were concerned. Mr Awuku has since paid all the outstanding wins and arrears owed lotto stakers.

He has done a lot to improve workers well-being by increasing monthly salaries, carrying out delayed promotions, and some staff also benefitting from career development and training. Interest­ingly, the outgoing D-G went out of his mandate to ensure the au­thority has strong and united union front with the aim to champion the welfare of NLA workers.

His resolve to generate and in­crease the revenue base for the au­thority led to the ad hoc formation of a task force to clamp down on the illegal private lotto operators. Before the task force went into action, opportunity of licensing re­gime was offered individual private lotto operators to register with the NLA at a reasonable fee which was published in the newspapers. A number of swoops were then car­ried out to bring on board genuine lotto operators, and to also deter and curb the activities of the illegal and recalcitrant operators.

What would appear to be Mr Awuku’s greatest legacy is the pur­chase of the state-of- the-art draw machines, and the refurbishment of the famous Brennan Hall.

For many years the authority was using outdated and worn out ma­chines to carry out its draws. The outgoing D-G promised to change the narrative and he actually did.

Brennan Hall, which is named after the first Director-General of the NLA, Mr Brennan of Malta, has undergone massive renovation and polished refurbishment with a modern studio where live draws and streaming on NLA’s various social media platforms are done every day.

It is worthy to point out that, in order to demystify the notion of the existence of an engine room (which is capable of giving out winning numbers) at the NLA Head Office, the immediate past Head at the authority introduced live draws outside the premises of the NLA. About six of such draws were done at different tradition­al festival celebrations such as Odwira, Akwasidae, Hogbetsotso, Kwahu Easter events etc.

Through the Good Causes Foundation which is the corpo­rate social responsibility wing of the NLA, numerous projects have been undertaken across the country to the benefit of selected communities and underprivileged individuals in the society. The proj­ects include mechanised boreholes and potable water facilities, mod­ern toilet facilities, renovation of schools, refurbishment of police stations, payment of school fees to needy but brilliant students and many others.

Before he assumed office, NLA was not recognized and represent­ed at international fora, making the Authority dormant as far as lottery was concerned on the global stage. Under the outgoing D-G, NLA was re-admitted to the continental body of African Lottery Associa­tion (ALA), received recognition from the European Union Lottery as observer, as well as being able to qualify for certification from World Lottery Association on standard practice of responsible gaming. On top of it all, Mr Awuku was elected Vice President of ALA, a first time an Anglophone achieved the feat to occupy that enviable high office.

Mr Awuku could not have been successful at the helm of affairs at the NLA without his cordial relationship with the media, and in addition of his prowess to commu­nicate and engage stakeholders on a regular basis.



As stated earlier, many staff are expectant as to who President John Dramani Mahama will appoint as the new Director-General of the NLA.

Steering the affairs of the Authority does not require rocket science skills, however, the new appointee would have to know and understand the terrain he or she would be venturing into in order to succeed. It is normal that the new D-G would receive some briefing from the predecessor, engage the NLA staff, and all the relevant stakeholders to solicit information.

At his farewell durbar with staff, Mr Awuku used the last encounter to roll out his stewardship at the Authority which received general applause from the audience to sig­nify acceptance and endorsement of his achievements at the NLA.

What the new D-G will need is to exhibit a unique leadership style with the view to carry along the NLA staff, stakeholders, and to embark on revenue generation drive to be able to contribute to national development.

Thus far, the NLA is a nice place to work especially as a head who comes with level headedness, hu­mility, compassion, and inclusivity.

Wishing you the best of luck as the incoming Director-General, you are warmly welcome to the NLA.

Castro Danquah

Media Practitioner


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