
Expatriate Palestinian community builds school, Mosque for Yizebisi

The Expatriate Pal­estinian Communi­ty has built and fur­nished a three-unit classroom block and a Mosque for the Yizebisi community in the Mamprugu Moagduri District of the North East Region.

The philanthropic act was also followed by the handover of a newly constructed borehole by the same group to the community.

The Palestinian Ambassador to Ghana, Mr Abdalfatah Ahmed Khalil Alsatarri, speaking at the handover ceremony indicated that investing in education and ensuring the general wellbeing of rural dwellers was very important.

He said it was important that people were not disadvantaged, especially when it comes to access to basic social amenities and education for children and young people.

The Ambassador acknowledged the efforts of the government in ensuring development in every part of the country, however, he stated that the burden could not be left on the government alone.

He, therefore, expressed gratitude to the expatriate community of Palestinians around the world for their generous contributions towards supporting humanity.

“Ghana is my second home. I have spent some years in Ghana and now see the people in this country as members of my family that is why I will support every initiative that promotes the development of Ghana.”

“I thank the funders of this laudable project for their kindness towards the people of Mamprugu Moagduri,” he added.

The District Chief Executive (DCE) of Mamprugu Moagduri, Mr Abu Adam, thanked the Ambassador for the support and assured that the facilities would be well maintained.

He also appealed to individuals and institutions to emulate the Ambassador and the entire Expatriate Palestinian Community, saying “such people have good hearts and if we learn to be as generous as they are, the world would be a better place.”


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