

In this second instalment of the above captioned article a discussion of the spiritual purpose of meteorites is being made. The figure that accompanied the first instalment published in the Time’s issue of 17th Jan,2022 was blurred .

I have therefore reproduced the same figure in this second instalment, for the fact that figures greatly enhance our understanding of scientific articles. The figure is about the rotation of the earth and swarms of meteorites around the sun in space. When the paths of the earth and the meteorites intersect a meteoric shower occurs to account for the occasional and unprecedented increase in the number of meteorites.

Path of the earth and meteorites around the sun.1,2,3,4: points of meteoric showers

The spiritual significance of meteorites and comets in the various religions is that they are used to prophecy the advent of a world reformer(Prophet, Messenger, Messiah). On the occasion of the birth of Christ the appearance of a comet (star) fulfilled a prophecy, in the religious books of the wise men from the east, of the birth of the Messiah (Matt 2:1-12). According to such eminent historians as IbnSa’d, Waqidi, IbnIshaque and IbnHisham there was an unusual downpour of meteorites when Muhammad,on whom be peace, appeared in Arabia around 611AD. According to Matt 24:29 the second advent of Christ shall be heralded by the coming down of stars in their large numbers:” Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from the heavens.”

Darkening of the sun means that there shall be an eclipse of the sun. The moon not giving her light means an eclipse of the moon. The stars falling from heaven is in reference to meteoric showers. According to Biblical computations and in expectation of the fulfilment of these prophecies there was an unsualfalling down of stars in the early morning of Nov. 13, 1833 in the eastern part of the U.S.A. Christain missionaries predicted the coming of the end of the world. But in truth this was in fulfilment of the second advent of Christ as predicted in the above quoted verse of Mathews.

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In 1835, two years after that event,the claimant to the august office of the Messiah (Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani) was born . Similarly,on the occasion of his commissioning as the second Christ there was another spectacular shower on 27-28th of Nov,1885. This wonderful spectator was described in great wonderment and admiration by papers in Europe,America and India (Ayena-e-Kamalete- Islam).

The release and movement of these heavenly bodies are beyond the capacity of men. If therefore their occurrence was divinely predicted thousands of years before their fulfilment,then only the Omnipotent God was behind the prediction and the fulfillment.

Concerning the rational behind meteoric showers , the Quran states categorically that these meteorites are released by Angels to drive away Satan from stealing divine news from heaven on the occasion of the advent of Prophets. In the sense of a symbol that can also  be interpreted to mean that the darkness of Satan is about to be driven away by divine light that shall accompany the coming of the expected Prophet or Messenger.

The following verses are an endorsement of the fact that the purpose of God’s Angels in releasing meteorites is to drive away Satans from the heavens:Quran 15:17-19, Quran 67:6,Quran 72:9-10 etc. Quoting the last verse we read : ” And we (Satans) Sought to reach heavens, but we found it filled with strong guards (Angels)  and shooting stars (Meteorites). And we used to sit in some of it’s seats (comets, asteroids) to listen. But whose listens now finds a shooting star in ambush for him’ (Quran 72:7-8).  Meaning that these Satans travel to the depth of the heavens in search of divine news and revelations. They are frustrated in their attempts by God’s Angels who shoot meteorites at them and drive them away from there. Explaining the relevant verses says HadratAhmad, Imam of the Age:”

As Angels do not operate in a vain and purposeless way, But have a purpose in all that they do,it would have to be acknowledged that they have a purpose in the release of shooting stars. And as reason is unable to perceive that purpose it is useless to ask reason to solve this mystery. That means (for solving the mystery) is revelation.

Hereby revelation we mean the revelation of the Holy Quran which has disclosed to us that the purpose of the angels in releasing shooting stars is to drive away  SatansAyena-e-Kamalate Islam). )

In Other words it is beyond reason to tell us the spiritual purpose of meteorites in the heavens. It is only divine revelation that has disclosed to us in the Holy Quran that meteorites are released by angels to drive away Satans from the heavens.

In other detailed exposition on the material and spiritual purposes of meteorites he writes thus:” What God has conveyed to me is that if the theories of astronomers and physicists concerning meteors and comets should be accepted even then there is no contradiction between the statements of these wiseacres and what God, the Lord of Honour and Glory,Has set out in the Holy Quran concerning the spiritual purpose of these atmospheric bodies.

( AyenaeKamalate – Islam).

Meaning that under God’s control, science, the handwork of God cannot contradict revealed scriptures. Needless to reiterate the fact that the spiritual purpose of meteorites as set out in the Holy Quran and explained by Muhammad and Ahmad, on whom be peace, is to drive away Satans.

By Khalid Kofi Ahmad                                    

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