Sakara Foster advocates restructuring of Council of State

Abu Sakara Foster, the convener of the National Interest Movement, has advocated restructuring of the Council of State because the current membership structure does not make it a second-check system.
“We have one of two options, either it is restructured as a second chamber and have its membership constituted in such a way that they are not beholding to the president, and can be better checks and balances on him or eliminate it altogether,” he indicated.
Mr Foster observed that improving on the Council of State and having a second chamber was a better way to go, particularly also thinking of ways of introducing influence of traditional rulers into it as another way of strengthening probity, transparency and accountability.
He insisted on a review of the composition of the Council of State to make it more effective and efficient and if it was not done, there would be no need keeping the Council in place and however, pointed out that the current membership did not make room for the government to receive critical feedback.
“This is due to the fact that some members of the Council are appointed by the president, when there are widespread calls for the government to take measures to make the country better and will help inject an air of freshness into government business,” Mr Foster stressed.
Relatedly, the president has been adamant to the calls to reshuffle his ministers since the current crop were giving off their best and therefore he did not see the need to effect any changes but the country was currently reeling under serious economic pressure, with the economy declining by the day which was evident in the depreciation of the Ghana Cedi, as compared to other major trading currencies like the US dollar.
The country’s inflation is also at a record 31.7 per cent, with the cost of living increasingly becoming high but the government has however, reiterated its commitment, dedication and determination to addressing the situation and working assiduously to put the economy on a better footing.