West End University admits 145 freshers
The West End University College in Accra held its 9th matriculation on Saturday with the admission of 145 fresh students to pursue various degree programmes.
The event had students enrolling in courses such as Bachelor of Arts in Accounting, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Education and Nursing among others.
Professor Ben Oduro, Rector of the University, speaking at the ceremony encouraged all students to ensure that they made the best of their time at the university.
He advised them to make use of the low student-lecturer ratio to ensure that each student had ample time to interact with their lecturers and to allow them time to fully understand their respective courses.
“With a ratio of one lecturer to six students, there is sufficient opportunity to help you learn during lectures and to ask as many questions as possible,” the rector added.
Prof. Oduro noted that much like other universities West End had a stringent policy on sexual harassment, adding that a committee had been set up to draw a plan to educate staff and faculty on what constitutes sexual harassment and the procedures to follow when harassed.
He also urged students to stay vigilant and to report all acts of sexual harassment.
The rector implored the students to focus on their studies and to make judicious use of the library and e-library available on the campus.
Concluding Prof. Oduro assured the students that they would face hardships and difficulties during their education and that the only way to overcome that was through dedication and determination to their studies.
“In achieving your goals in life your attitude counts for 80 per cent needed to achieve your dreams, so set your attitude on the right track and fight for your dreams and aspiration,” he added.
“You don’t need a PHD or a Masters to become someone important or big in future, you just need to have the right attitude and dedication to your dream,” Prof. Oduro advised.