
APSU at 90: Celebrating a legacy of perseverance and excellence

As St. Augustine’s Past Students Union (APSU) marks its 90th anniversary in December 2024, the union’s legacy reflects the enduring values of perseverance, brotherhood, and service. Origi­nally established as the Amissano Past Students Union, APSU has grown from its roots when St. Augustine’s College transitioned from Amissano to Cape Coast. Since its inception in 1934, APSU has become one of Ghana’s oldest and most respected college alumni associations, grounded in the Catholic principles of St. Augustine’s College.

Founding and Early Begin­nings

APSU’s journey began in De­cember 1934, when nearly 40 past students gathered for the first “Amissano Past Students Union” meeting at the College from December 27-31. The gathering, led by Rev. Fr Maurice B. Kelly, the first principal, aimed to form an “Old Boys Association” that would foster cooperation and uphold the moral, intellectual, and social welfare of its members. This meeting, announced in the Gold Coast Voice newspaper, combined formal discussions with joyful reunions. APSUnians celebrated their connection with lively events, including soccer and hockey matches, and a High Mass officiated by Bishop W.T. Porter, who encouraged them to support the educational mission of St. Augustine’s College.

APSU’s Mission and Growth

APSU was established to support St. Augustine’s College’s ideals and the welfare of its stu­dents. Over the years, the union has evolved into a vibrant body, with branches in Cape Coast and Takoradi, and international chapters in the USA, UK, and Canada. APSU also supports student chapters at universities across Ghana, forging a strong bond between current students and alumni.

The union’s commitment to supporting the school’s mission of delivering quality Catholic education is central to APSU’s purpose. St. Augustine’s College, guided by the motto “Omnia Vincit Labor” (Perseverance Con­quers All), emphasizes leadership, service, and academic excellence. APSU has contributed signifi­cantly by raising funds for school projects, promoting academic standards, and organising work­shops and symposia to benefit both students and alumni.

APSU’s contributions to St. Augustine’s College

For nearly a century, APSU has played a pivotal role in the growth and development of St. Augustine’s College, reflecting the core values of perseverance and excellence. APSU has initiated nu­merous infrastructural projects at the school, including classrooms, laboratories, and sports facilities. It has also provided scholarships, mentorship programmes, and ca­reer development initiatives, em­powering students to achieve both academic and personal success.

APSU’s mentorship programme connects students with alumni professionals, enabling young alumni to acquire valuable skills and insights to guide their future. The union’s gatherings, reunions, and events are key to fostering camaraderie and networking, helping members build long-last­ing personal and professional relationships. APSU’s members, guided by loyalty and pride, serve as ambassadors for St. Augustine’s College and uphold its legacy through community service and active support.

The College Almanac: A Chronicle of History

In 2017, APSU made a sig­nificant effort to document its history by publishing St. Au­gustine’s College – Conquering With Perseverance: Our Past, Our Present, and Our Future, a 728-page almanac. Spearheaded by APSU National Secretary Eric Atta-Sonno (APSU ‘90), with contributions from Dr Edward Ackah-Nyamike, Jnr (APSU ‘84), Peter Martey Agbeko (APSU ‘80), Alfred Lawrence Owusu-Ansah (APSU ‘02), and Amos Ghunney (APSU ‘05), the book features 29 chapters, capturing the college’s legacy and key milestones. The almanac includes a comprehen­sive alumni directory, making it an invaluable resource for APSUni­ans.

The almanac is dedicated to Most Rev. William Thomas Por­ter, SMA, the college’s founding patron, and the dedicated Catho­lics of the Gold Coast who made the dream of establishing the school a reality.

Honouring APSU’s Legacy and Remembering the Departed

On November 4, 2024, a Memorial Mass was held at Christ the King Catholic Par­ish, Cantonments, in honor of all departed APSUnians. This tradition, which started last year at Mary Mother of Good Counsel Catholic Church, Accra, provides APSUnians an opportunity to express gratitude for the lives and contributions of their departed colleagues. Such commemorations reinforce APSU’s commitment to community and the shared experiences that bind its members together.

APSU’s Protocol Admission Initiative

APSU operates a protocol admission system, offering the children of alumni priority access to St. Augustine’s College. This system has benefitted numerous APSUnians, though there is a continued need to advocate for an increased quota to assist more alumni families.

APSU’s Expanding Network and Influence

As part of its mission, APSU has extended its reach through partnerships with corporate sponsors and other educational institutions. These collaborations support the college’s projects and foster APSU’s broader social initiatives in health, education, and community development. There are plans forAPSU to partner with other alumni groups to address national issues affect­ing education and youth em­powerment. These alliances will strengthen APSU’s influence and commitment to being a force for positive change in Ghana.

APSU’s Enduring Values: “Conquering with Persever­ance”

APSU’s nearly 90-year journey demonstrates a commitment to the ideals of perseverance, excellence, and unity. The union’s motto, “Action, Action, Action Nkotsee,” echoes the spirit of collective action that continues to drive APSU’s initiatives. APSUni­ans live by the values they ac­quired at St. Augustine’s, engaging actively in projects that support the college and impact society.

Under the leadership of Glob­al President Dr Ernest Anthony Osei (APSU ‘80), APSU remains dedicated to the vision of its founders. The 90th anniversary represents not only a time of reflection but an opportunity to reaffirm APSU’s mission of supporting future generations. As APSU looks ahead, it is com­mitted to shaping new leaders, ensuring that St. Augustine’s College continues to thrive as an institution of excellence.

Celebrating 90 Years of Brotherhood and Excellence

As APSU reaches this his­toric milestone, it stands as a pillar of tradition, innovation, and community. APSU is not simply an alumni association; it is a legacy of dedication and a testament to the transformative power of perseverance and unity. For members, joining APSU goes beyond maintaining ties with an alma mater—it is an invitation to be part of a legacy that contin­ually strengthens the principles of perseverance, excellence, and mutual support.

In celebrating 90 years, APSU reflects on its past with pride, its present with purpose, and its future with optimism. Members are unified by the knowledge that their contributions build not only a stronger APSU but a thriving St. Augustine’s College that will continue to shape Ghana’s future leaders for generations to come.

APSU… Action Nkotsee!


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