Govt urged to address challenges facing free SHS implementation
Venerable Dr Agyiri Kyereme, the Ahafo Ano North Municipal Director of Education, has commended the government for the bold decision to implement a free senior high school policy in Ghana.
He said access to quality high school education for all was important for the country’s quest to promote enlightened society and equip the youth with literary, numeracy and technical skills to remain relevant in modern society.
Speaking to the Ghana News Agency at Tepa to highlight some of the challenges facing the implementation of the Free SHS policy, Venerable Dr Kyereme, pointed out that there were a number of challenges that needed to be addressed to achieve the desired results.
He said one of the major challenges was the absence of the financial contributions by the Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) to the running of the second cycle schools.
Venerable Dr Kyereme said the PTAs played a crucial role in the provision of financial assistance to support the schools, especially in the area of motivating teachers and provision of infrastructure.
The absence of this, he said, had become disincentive to the smooth running of some schools.
He said the supply of food items and school uniforms without the active involvement of heads of the schools was also a disincentive to the effective management of the schools.
The Director stressed the need for the government to help recruit experienced and qualified teachers to teach in the senior high schools to help promote quality delivery and performance in the schools.
He proposed the training of head teachers of basic schools in financial management and administration before they were allowed to handle and disburse public funds in their schools.
Venerable Dr Kyereme called on all key stakeholders in education to assist the government by suggesting practical measures that could help address some of the challenges in the implementation of the policy for the benefit of all Ghanaians.