Holy Spirit has given church rebirth – Rev Fr Ashiara

The descent of the Holy Spirit on the early Christians at Pentecost, which is in fulfilment of Jesus’ promise, has come to renew the church and given it a rebirth, Very Rev FrClemenceAshiara, the Parish Priest of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Kpando has observed.
Very Rev Fr Clemence Ashiara, in his Homily at the church recently, said through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the disciples, a special seed had been planted in Christians which they were supposed to nurture to grow to maturity.
He said by the gift of the Holy Spirit, Christians were tasked to witness to the truth irrespective of the challenges they faced, adding that what the disciples had achieved in the past when the spirit descended on them could be attained in our time provided Christians remained faithful and served God diligently.
Rev Fr Ashiara said though the disciples were afraid to continue with the mission of Jesus Christ and lost hope after his death, the Holy Spirit empowered them to preach courageously about the gospel to all the ends of the earth.
“The Holy Spirit did not make the disciples docile but gave them the power not to be afraid but came out boldly to work for Christ,” he said.
Rev Fr Ashiara encouraged Christians that no matter the daily problems that confronted them, they should demonstrate the saving power of Jesus Christ to attract more followers.
He explained that, “the Holy Spirit comforts, directs, teaches, guides, helps us in our infirmities, and empowers us in our daily lives.”
He, therefore, advised Christians to pray fervently for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in their lives to enable them to eschew all forms of evil and bear fruits for the kingdom.
Very Rev Fr Ashiara said the Israelites celebrated the day of Pentecost to remember the saving hands of God through Moses who led them from slavery through the Red Sea into the Promised Land in Canaan.
He said despite their occasional setbacks, God assured the Israelites,‘I will be your God and you shall be my people,’ he said. This great promise, according to him, explained the loving care of God that irrespective of our shortcomings, God was always ready to pardon our infirmities and provide us an opportunity to change our lives.
Very Rev FrAshiarasaid because the Israelites were unique, God as a tender-loving father fed them with manna from heaven, adding that the new nation which is the church God has chosen was to grow and bear fruits for the spread of his kingdom on earth. “God is planting a special seed in you which you ought to nature and grow it to mature,” he said.
He said having followed the celebration of Easter, Christians have identified themselves with the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, adding that the power of the resurrection should urge them on to be on fire for the gospel at all times .
He said the power of the resurrection has given Christians the assurance that their faith would not be in vain.
By Raymond Kyekye