One God One Day Africa launches evangelism campaign

The One God One Day Africa (OGODA), a religious group, has launched an evangelism campaign to spread the gospel on the continent, in Accra on Tuesday.
The programme, which would be funded by the group, and expected to take off in May 2020, will see to the collaboration between churches in the world for events.
The campaign will also see to the mobilisation of thousands of Ghanaian evangelists, who will travel to villages, towns and cities throughout Africa to spread the gospel.
Launching the programme, the president and founder of the movement, Jennifer Wilde, said the campaign was in fulfilment of a vision she had 36 years ago, to spread the word of God on the continent.
She said “wealth, religion and power do not help one to get eternity, but rather accepting Jesus Christ into our lives.”
Jennifer Wilde urged Christians to spread the word of God to ensure humanity was saved.
Mr Siegfried Tomazsewski, vice president of OGODA, said the group was meeting with Christian leaders throughout the world to propagate the gospel.
He called on religious leaders to collaborate with the group to promote evangelism across the globe, and urged them to put their doctrinal and theological differences aside.