BudgiT Ghana, Ford Foundation launch report on PIAC

BudgiT Ghana, a civic organisation together with Ford Foundation, on Tuesday launched a report on Public Interest and Accountability Committee (PIAC) in the oil sector.
Dubbed “Impact Assessment of Oil Producing Communities in Ghana,” the 30-page report undertook two research works on the visions and activities of the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) to impact lives through community engagement.
Launching the report, Research Lead of BugdiT Ghana, Mr Khiddir Iddris, mentioned that it was urgent for the government to review the mandate of PIAC, the institution mandated to police the use of petroleum revenues.
He said BugdiT Ghana had reiterated calls for the review of oversight responsibilities of PIAC to include revenues gained from mineral source production in Ghana.
“The Committee has played a commendable role of ensuring transparency and accountability in the management and use of petroleum revenues for a period of time. Unlike the oil and gas that is governed by the Petroleum Revenue Management Act, 2011 (ACT 815), which guides the use of petroleum revenues, mineral resource sector has no legal framework to ensure revenues generated from the sector are accounted for.”
Under phase two, Mr Iddris said since PIAC was established in 2011, the firm had effectively exercised its oversight responsibility of monitoring and evaluating the management of Ghana’s petroleum revenues by the government and stakeholder institutions.
According to him, project inspections, public forum and discussions on petroleum revenue management issues had characterised the work of the committee.
He added that PIAC had played a key role as a body, serving as an interface between the public and authorities of petroleum revenue. With the mineral resources under the watch of PIAC, BugdiT Ghana believes transparency and accountability with regard to revenues accrued will be entrenched.
Former PIAC Chairman, Dr Steve Manteaw, urged the government to empower PIAC to prosecute any embezzlement of petroleum revenue. He encouraged PIAC to collaborate with the Commission on Human and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) to arraign culprits when they engage in corrupt practices.
For his part, Acting Country Lead of BugdiT Ghana, Mr Felix Ankrah, called on GPNC to be transparent with their activities by creating awareness on GPNC’s project and also prioritise community engagement and consultation.