
Gbi-South youth demand justice over alleged police killing of 2 victims

Aggrieved Youth of Gbi-South in the Hohoe Munic­ipality of the Volta Region, are demanding justice for David Agbebianu, 31, and Afeti Agbeko, 39, who were allegedly shot and killed by the police at Gbi-Gode­nu, last year.

The group also advocated compensation for families of the deceased, and traders whose shops were raided and goods looted, some young people, who were al­legedly tortured, and others, whose motorcycles were burnt during the tragedy.

Mr Andy Emilson Agbi, As­sembly Member for the Gbi-Weg­ be Electoral Area, speaking for the youth, at a press conference at Hohoe to mark a year of the incident, expressed worry that the bodies of Agbebianu and Agbeko were still in the morgue.

Mr Agbi said the youth were urging for consultation between the authorities and families of the deceased on their funeral and burial as soon as possible.

He also requested “compen­sation for traders, who lost their wares and monies, people whose cars were destroyed, motorcycles burnt as well as those tortured.”

Mr Agbi called on the author­ities to ensure that police person­nel, who allegedly shot and killed the two, tortured other victims, and burnt motorcycles, face the full rigours of the law, and the out­come of investigation made public.

He said the youth had re­mained calm and hoped their concerns would be addressed.

Mr Agbi recalled that around 8.30am, August 30, 2023, some personnel from the Hohoe Police Command, in a vehicle chased without any provocation, Mr Tse­tse Enyonam, from Gbi-Avega to­wards Gbi-Godenu, and knocked him down.

He said in the process, the police vehicle veered-off the road, somersaulted into a gutter and caught fire.

Mr Tsetse was rushed to the Volta Regional Hospital, Hohoe, and later transferred to the Ho Teaching Hospital, Mr Agbi said.

He stated that the policemen requested re-enforcement, and alleged their vehicle was set ablaze by Gbi-Godenu youth.

Upon arrival of the team, Mr Agbi alleged that the police went on rampage, arresting anybody they could lay their hands on and tortured innocent civilians.

He alleged that teachers of the Gbi-Godenu M/A Basic School, who were escorting learners to get home safely, were also maltreated by the police.

The assembly member claimed that policemen broke into people’s shops, destroyed items worth thousands of Ghana cedis, set ablaze about 48 motorcycles, belonging to some residents, and fired guns indiscriminately, result­ing in the death of the two.

“The police even entered the house of the Divisional Chief of Gbi-Godenu, Togbe Osei II, and damaged his two vehicles that were packed at his garage,” Mr Agbi said.

He said the youth had not heard of any action by the In­spector General of Police (IGP) concerning the incident, even though a team of investigators were dispatched from his (IGP) office to the scene, a year ago.

Mr Agbi said “the incident brings to five the number of police brutalities that had not been settled conclusively in the Volta Region, particularly in Ho, Akatsi South and Hohoe areas.”


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