S. Sudan to amend 4 security bills to boost peace deal implementation

South Sudan’s constitutional body has submitted the long-awaited amendments to four security sector-related bills to the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs in a bid to facilitate the smooth implementation of the revitalised peace deal.
Gichira Kibara, chairperson of the National Constitutional Amendment Committee, said the East African country is in the process of undertaking extensive security sector reform, noting that the submission of these bills is a milestone in the implementation of the peace agreement.
The four bills submitted on Tuesday are Sudan People’s Liberation Act, the Police Service Act, the Prisons Service Act, and the Wildlife Service Act.
Paulino Wanawilla Unango, South Sudan’s Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, said his role is to fast track the reviewed bills through the legislative processes to the executives and parliament for quick process of the legislation for the bills to become laws as stipulated in the revitalised deal.
“I can confirm that I have received the four bills and I am going to work on them as soon as possible for presentation to the two institutions. That is what I have to say,” Unango said.
In February, South Sudan’s peace monitors said fidelity to the rule of law and governance was key to achieving durable peace in the country, following the outbreak of the conflict in late 2013 that has uprooted about four million South Sudanese internally and externally.
Since then, the civil war has devastated families, communities and traditions, including judicial institutions in the country. –Xinhua