
5 Things to Keep in Mind When Considering a Rhinoplasty Procedure, per Dr. Ruslan Zhuravsky

Rhinoplasty is a surgery to change the shape and structure of the nose. It is often a very big decision for patients and one that some think about for a very long time. In this article, Dr. Ruslan Zhuravsky discusses five things patients should know about rhinoplasty.

According to him, incumbent and prospective patients must take note of the following:1. Find a Surgeon that Specializes in Rhinoplasty 

Dr. Zhuravsky encourages patients to look for either a Facial plastic surgeon or plastic surgeon that has a focus on rhinoplasty.  “Rhinoplasty is one of the hardest, if not the hardest procedures in plastic surgery” explains Dr. Zhuravsky. “In order to master it, a surgeon must be highly dedicated to this procedure and perform it on a frequent basis, that is the only way for a surgeon to be aware of all the minor nuances and details involved.” 2. Don’t Choose Your Surgeon Based on a Specific Technique

Patients are often captured by catchy phrases like open vs. closed rhinoplasty, preservation rhinoplasty, and no bone breaking rhinoplasty, but the reality is that those are just techniques and they do not translate to better results. “Techniques are controversial in the rhinoplasty surgery community with ongoing debates about how to achieve the best results. Patients should not have the burden of choosing their techniques, otherwise they would be involved with designing their step – by – step surgical plan as those are the surgical techniques that really matter.” So, when you’re choosing a surgeon, pick one that you trust to perform the procedure in a way that will achieve the best possible outcomes. 3. Set Realistic Goals and Expectations 

Dr. Zhuravsky prefers to start his consultations by asking patients to briefly describe how they see their nose and what they hope to change. This gives him a good idea of their goals. While he will evaluate any pictures that patients might bring, he discourages bringing pictures of over filtered and contoured noses as these are likely not realistic to achieve. Dr. Zhuravskyuses morphing software to alter the shape of the patient’s actual nose and allow them to visualize how the new shape would look on their face. “I believe this is the best way to communicate with patients regarding their desired nasal shape. This way, I am able to morph the nose in ways that I know are realistic and also get the patients’ input on what makes them happy.”4. Plan Ahead 

Rhinoplasty is not something you can book on a whim and can take several months to schedule. The first step is to schedule a consultation, or several, to find the right surgeon for you. Next, you must find a surgical date, which will vary by surgeon, region of the country, and time of the year. Dr. Z advises starting your search for a surgeon at minimum 3 months in advance. “We try very hard to accommodate our patients, I even operate on Saturdays but it’s not always possible to get everyone in within their ideal time frame.” After the surgery, most patients are “socially acceptable” after a week, but for major events like weddings and parties Dr. Z advises allowing 6 weeks for the majority of the swelling to resolve. 5. Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back

Dr. Zhuravsky has been told by many of his rhinoplasty patients that one of their biggest regrets is not doing the surgery sooner. Their most commonly cited reasons for delaying surgery are for fear of botched results and of the recovery process. However, once they go through with the rhinoplasty, patients will often explain that the recovery is not as bad as they imagined. Dr. Zhuravsky tells us that his patients are typically on regular strength tylenol as early as the morning after surgery. In regards to the fear of botched results, Dr. Zhuravsky reiterates the importance of finding the right surgeon. “I am not saying that there is such a thing as a guarantee when it comes to rhinoplasty, or that on rare occasions small adjustments don’t have to be made even by the best surgeons, but the chances of extreme complications are excessively rare.”

Being aware of the aforementioned is essential to get the best rhinoplasty experience. And as an experienced surgeon, Dr. Ruslan Zhuravsky’s tips can help ease anxiety regarding the procedure. He is prepared and happy to provide quality rhinoplasty service to any patient worldwide that desires the best health care.

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