
CAF annual wage bill to increase with pay rise for executives

Africa’s senior football adminis­trators are set to be granted pay rises at the next CAF General Assembly in October that will add $720 million annually to the con­federation’s wage bill.

The October 10 meeting in Kin­shasa, Congo, has a proposal under item L on the agenda to increase the annual allowance for Confed­eration of African Football (CAF) vice presidents and executive committee members by $20,000 per annum.

This is an increase on the annual stipend of $60,000 already received by CAF executive committee mem­bers that amount was the going rate in 2019. There are currently 17 Exco members who, if the motion is passed, will add $340,000 annually to the wage bill of an organisation already on the verge of bankruptcy and unable to oper­ate its competitions at previously promised level.

Senior vice president appear to receive $70,000 and will also get the $20,000 uplift. Daily allow­ances for other CAF functions and events, as well as travel and accommodation expenses are paid for separately.

CAF president, Patrice Mo­tesepe, who is up for re-election in March 2025 if he decides to go for a second term, recently prepared the groundwork for the increases saying that administrators should be paid more. By pushing this through he will of course make (or keep) a lot of influential friends in CAF.

Also proposed is a $10,000 in­crease to CAF member association presidents to $50,000 annually.

Also included in the increases are $20,000 uplifts for the two advisors to president Motsepe and a $50,000 stipend for the new chairperson of the African Clubs Association.

In 2019, financial detail leaked to Insideworldfootball showed Congo’s Constant Omari as the highest earner for his CAF work with $201,520.

Second highest was Djibouti’s Suleiman Waberi, who collected $183,616, while Morocco’s presi­dent Fouzi Lekjaa managed to load up with $169,825.-Insideworld­football

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