Check your health status every six months to avoid complications – Health expert

A medical doctor at St John’s Hospital and Fertility Centre, Dr Nana Abban Mintah, has advised Ghanaians to check their state of health every six months to forestall any anomalies.
“You do not have to wait till you are sick before you visit the hospital because it is easier and cheaper to treat diseases at the early stages of development than in the advance stages,” he said.
He gave the advice on Tuesday when staff of St John’s Hospital and Fertility Centre commenced a two-day free medical examination for 540 personnel of the Ghana National Fire Service in Tema.
The exercise screened cases of high blood pressure, blood sugar, eye disorders, cardiac problems and physical fitness among other things.
Dr Mintah said prostate cancer and high blood pressure were common among the black race; he, therefore, urged the public to patronise screening points at pharmacies and other areas, and get tested for blood sugar or check the functioning of their hearts.
He noted that staff of the hospital would refer personnel found to have severe cases to the St John’s Hospital and Fertility Centre for further studies and treatment, while those with minor cases would be guided accordingly.
The Tema Regional Fire Officer, Assistant Chief Fire Officer (ACFO) Angelina Annan, thanked the hospital for the gesture, and hoped that the exercise could be repeated every six months.
The conditions of service of the GNFS enjoins the state to cater for the health needs of personnel due to the risks they are exposed to, but inadequate funding had made it difficult to conduct regular checks on them.
ACFO Annan pleaded with the hospital to include cervical cancer test in subsequent screenings to help female personnel know their status.