
Etherean Mission launches 50th anniversary

 The Etherean Mission Interna­tional over the weekend launched its 50th anniversa­ry celebration in Accra on the theme; ‘Conscious Living, Conscious Evolution; the New you in the New Era.’

Speaking at the launch, the Leader of the Church, Rever­end Josephine Tetteh, said the celebration marks 50 years of Etherean Mission international’s dedication of teaching the divin­ity of man, oneness of life and respect for self and culture.

“50 years ago, Etherean Mission International embarked on a profound journey, driven by a singular vision: to impart the sacred teachings of the divinity of man, the oneness of life, and the paramount importance of respecting oneself, others, and the rich tapestry of cultures that make us who we are,” she outlined.

The Leader added that throughout the past five decades, Etherean Mission International had remained steadfast in its commitment to spreading love, wisdom, and spiritual enlighten­ment.

Through its tireless efforts, she noted that the organisation had transformed countless lives, fostering a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things and the inherent divine nature of humanity.

“Today, we gather to honour the pioneers who paved the way for us, and to celebrate the count­less blessings that have flowed through our doors. We also reaf­firm our dedication to continuing this sacred work, inspiring future generations to walk in the light of love, compassion, and wisdom,” she added.

Touching on the theme, Rev. Tetteh stated that as they mark the celebration, they stood at the threshold of a new era that unprecedented transformation and development in information and technology.

This, she noted, with the fast pace of technological develop­ments, humanity was losing its sense of belonging to one another to a self-centred and isolated existence.

“All of these advanced innova­tion and development is to make life a lot more easier, instead, they are the ones you will often hear saying, I am bored, I feel depressed, I am stressed, etc. and now, the term is “I AM CRUSH­ING OUT”!

We must not lose touch of our interconnectedness as humanity,” she elaborated.

The Leader expressed her deepest gratitude to the congrega­tion, dignitaries, and well-wishers who had gathered to commemo­rate this momentous occasion.

The Founder of Etherean Mission International, Mr Ishmael Tetteh, said the New Human in you has begun and through you the world was ushered into the New Era of Spirituality in which they would feel their divinity, embrace oneness of life and celebrate who and what they were as Africans.

“The New Human will realise that we are evolutionary wings of the infinite and consciously participate with God in Its evolu­tionary plans and processes,” he indicated.


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